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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-02-13 09:52:34Show All Posts
  • Akuma Bloodline On 2019-02-13 05:31:16
  • I don't plan to waste any seal in kage treasure just going for my SR in gnw and roger maybe they'll be nice and put him out for me ^_^

Akio, I personally believe that there is no such thing as "wasting" any seals in Kage, while it may seem pointless, with GNW and Edo Hashirama, that doesn't mean a pull in Kage is really useless. You could get people you don't have, or people you have...Susasuke's always a great option, you know. :p

Ay's nice, though, some people might disagree with me and my opinions on Ay and Susasuke, but I believe they're both great! There's also some cool Sutachi frags you can get from there too!

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