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Here's a guide on how to defeat Naruto SP with same, or slight difference BP


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  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2019-02-13 17:35:36Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2019-02-13 04:13:25
  • Any reason why he didn't target your main since you still have health?

My guess is that he bet on the fact garv used sand dust and not dance of impetus (like actually was, since this is what the picture shows), and that he hoped to immobilize in round 2 minato with the chase triggered by madara founder mystery after that naruto popped the dodge, way undervaluing the level of damage minato + konan mystery would have delivered on him (if garv didn't misplay he put in queue minato mystery asap, selecting the target tagged by minato in round 1) and i guess kisame was faster than madara 5ks, managing to interrupt it in round 1 (i suppose for faster he meant naruto only).

That said even if the 220k didn't behave so and selected main, the outcome would have been the same.

Since round 4 onwards, regardless what happened in round 2 and 3 (unless there is some serious misplay on garv side), is a match between a 100 chakra konan and a selftacking atk/combo + first hit dodge hokage minato. 100% granted win unless the naruto is 20k+ power stronger than konan, because naruto simply never reduces cd (he just owns a +45% bonus if and only if uses mystery asap, that means to let konan be free to hit when her mystery is available, while konan with 100 chakra owns +100% and minato in round 4 has in the worst case 5 stacks of his selfbuff) while minato stacks attack and once every two rounds pops naruto dodge with his own mystery letting so konan hit him and reduce cd too.

Even if he manages to interrupt konan every time, minato in round 6+ is so stacked that almost flat out kills naruto by himself with his two unavoidable special attacks + standard attack once every two rounds.

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2019-02-13 18:16:27.
  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2019-02-14 17:42:36Show All Posts
  • Nomiko On 2019-02-13 20:24:07
  • Im sorry to tell you that that couldn't possibly be more wrong. Actually 6p Naruto's Standard has one of the worst (if not actually the worst) Reset of the game. Compared to what you are thinking, naruto doesn't reset his mystery just by comboing any ninja, he needs to combo ALL ninjas he hits with his standard, which instantly makes dodge ninjas, and block ninjas (like kimimarou or han) an instant non-reset for him, unless you bait them before getting hit (which is possible when his mystery activates every round).

    His standard combo rate is comparable to that of KCM naruto, with that only exception, but he also gets a lesser combo buff by using his mystery, so it isn't strange to see him NOT comboing even with that. This is the reason almost everyone that uses 6p naruto uses him with a Fan ninja tool, because it increases combo rate, which is fundamental for him to "do mystery every round", he actually needs a lot of it, and if you see him comboing in teams with han or kimimarou that often, theres three posibilities:

    1.They have really low combo stat in those nins (Kimimarou for example, his block isn't almost 100% guaranted unlike Han's) and so Naruto can just combo them by overwheelming stat difference.

    2. Naruto isn't hitting that ninja with his standard, remember there is usually 4 ninjas in a team, its not unlikely naruto will hit the other 3 ninjas without dodge/block and reset his mystery.

    3.They are using bee or any team that makes naruto do standard 2 times, and i do need to explain this one? also this is the most common team used for 6p Naruto currently, if you are fighting one of these, they will most likely be able to reset his mystery, even in the first round.

    If you have doubts about it just try him in arena and see yourself how terrible his combo rate and reset is compared to other similar ninjas. Outside arena the stacking (which is when you over stack with power your position 1 ninja, so it has the highest stats from your whole team) will make naruto much more effective and he will reset much better. Actually, almost every mystery reset ninja relies a lot in combo stat to be viable, with the few exception of Yagura edo tensei, or swimsuit temari, whose mystery resets with their chasers.

    Naruto relies a lot in his mystery to be useful, or "OP". There's no need to keep saying there's already counters for him and that he isn't as good as many are painting him, he relies more on his team and your BP than you and others might think.

Here you are wrong.

Actually is enough that naruto triggers his effect on 1 of the 3 targets he selects to reduce cd.

The fact you only see a multiple of 3 combos if he fails or a multiple of 5 combos if he gets a success is only a graphical effect to let your enemy know if naruto reduced the cd or not (otherwise the enemy would have no way to know it).

This condition makes his standard attack 10 times better than kurama's if the combo rate stat of naruto is high.

If you don't believe me, face somebody with 1 move with 5k higher combo than your naruto and 1 move with 5k less combo and tell me how many times naruto fails in triggering the cd reduction. (is not difficult, it's enough you enemy has 16k combo, you 11k and the 2nd ninja of your enemy 6k)

If what you say was true naruto should fail almost always

If what i say is true (and is so) naruto reduce cd almost always.

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2019-02-14 17:47:18.
  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2019-02-15 18:10:20Show All Posts

Naruto is a serious issue in new servers only.

In old ones is not.

Oasis mistake was to make it redeemable with coupons also in servers newer than 700.

In servers as old as mine every decent player owns at least 3 ways to counter naruto if he doesn't own him too.

The problem is in newer servers where those options are not available because the players haven't had the time to get them without hurting their growth.

(differently from old server players, those players cannot own in any way itachi susano'o + madara founder + shisui or agk + hokage minato/hokage hiruzen/edo itachi + kisame samehada or kushina habanero 4 stars + tsunade full sb + Jigokudo full healing team or edo minato + edo hashi + kabuto snake cloak selftacking shark bomb team or edo hiruzen + edo sasori + edo asuma or kushina habanero 4stars + kurama + edo tobirama, just to state the most efficient counters to naruto six paths common teams at comparable power).

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2019-02-15 18:28:26.
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