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[ Lineup ] Best mood


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  • Registered: 2017-10-12
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On 2019-02-07 03:29:45Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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What is the best mood for 1. Minato (Jonin) 2. Shisui 3. Chiriku 4. Roshi 5. Hanzo Salamander (Normal) 6. Han 7. Ay (Third raikage) 8. Sakura (Cloak) and pains

Thanks everyone for answers! <3

  • Registered: 2018-05-04
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On 2019-02-07 04:03:59Show this Author Only

I would pick:

1. +att -def

2. +nin - def

3. +life -nin

4. either +nin/att (need to check which has better growthrate) -def/res/life or +life -att (depends which position and what team he's in)

5. +life -att

6. +life - nin

7. +att - def

8. +life -att

general rule: offensive mood = +att/nin (whichever has better growthrate and benefits that ninja more) -def/life or -res if your character has ninjutsu immunity

defensive mood = +life -att/nin OR +res -att/nin for characters which use shields

for characters which use healing effects you could use +nin also

  • Registered: 2017-10-12
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On 2019-02-07 08:08:37Show this Author Only
  • żółw On 2019-02-07 04:03:59
  • I would pick:

    1. +att -def

    2. +nin - def

    3. +life -nin

    4. either +nin/att (need to check which has better growthrate) -def/res/life or +life -att (depends which position and what team he's in)

    5. +life -att

    6. +life - nin

    7. +att - def

    8. +life -att

    general rule: offensive mood = +att/nin (whichever has better growthrate and benefits that ninja more) -def/life or -res if your character has ninjutsu immunity

    defensive mood = +life -att/nin OR +res -att/nin for characters which use shields

    for characters which use healing effects you could use +nin also

thank u very much <3

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