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[ Events ] Event Cycle - February 7th


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On 2019-02-07 01:39:27Show All Posts
  • Hamburg2123 On 2019-02-06 21:32:20
  • People are so obsessed with their cancer Naruto that , nobody remarked they will sell items for the new feature in Konoha Gift Shop , which is great .. but hey where is Naruto

Which is why he isn't being put in events. People are just spending for he along with power and ignoring everything else. He's costing Oasis money. He's also pushing the little spenders, minnows, what have you away from the game because he's everywhere. It was a mistake to make him so available and now Oasis is trying to fix that; though it might be too little, too late. I think the best way to deal with what he's done in my opinion is to nerf him. People will be upset of course, they want their "I win" *on, but then those familiar with the game will manage just fine regardless.

This post was last edited by Brian Eighties on 2019-02-07 01:41:10.
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On 2019-02-07 03:48:26Show All Posts
  • Tiami On 2019-02-07 03:24:49
  • That spamming him in events was the one glorious mistake of Oasis. If they were fully aware of what this ninja is capable to do and how game-changing he will be- they should have put him in the 3k $ recharge event instead of Madara or in another like this- AND JUST THERE- so just the handful of people would get him, yet giving oasis a nice income. It wouldn't be SUCH a great impact on game, where you can now see that ninja everywhere.

    I don't really get that way of thinking of people who decided to make Madara so special ninja that he landed in 3k$ rebate- while sosp, being one of highest power forms of main character in series in series- is not so special? Not to mention sosp Naruto is actually way better ninja in game than that show-off Madara.

    Anyway, I'm thinking about starting crying to get Kushina Habanero's breaks, since I'm happy owner of her (4*!! woohoo) 'cause I just went "YOLO" and "idontevencare about this game anymore" and finally got myself beautiful blue glowing beast. And I'm happy with him but OASIS GIVE US HABANERO BREAKS C'MOOOOOOON!!!!!!1!!


This exactly. He was released with little consideration of how he would impact the meta and by the time it really sunk in for Oasis it was too late. The game became over saturated with him so then those in charge were left with a decision; nerf him, reduce his availability, or both. By doing the prior, people will feel slighted because they've already invested in him. Though my opinion on that is that they've likely already had their time in the sun using a ninja that's borderline broken if not outright so. If you reduce his availability, you're again upsetting people who want him because they want the same power others have or feel they have to have him to be able to compete. Either way you're going to upset a group of people and it's a no win scenario. Oasis should just bite the bullet and nerf him as well as make him more available after, but not as much as he was earlier in the aforementioned several weeks. That's my take.

This post was last edited by Brian Eighties on 2019-02-07 03:49:36.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-02-07 05:40:28Show All Posts
  • ChrolloLucifer On 2019-02-07 05:13:04
  • unknownfck this events and fck u oasis

Is that accurate for the next cycle?

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On 2019-02-07 06:05:05Show All Posts
  • ChrolloLucifer On 2019-02-07 05:44:49
  • yes its an HK server

I appreciate it, the Community Discord hasn't updated yet. As for Six Paths, it wouldn't surprise me if he comes back in the next event cycle after the upcoming one. For me at least what you're showing by itself is very appealing. Getting people to go in for Kage Madara or Edo Itachi would be a good way to drain their coupons/ingots and have them spend all over again when Six Paths shows up after.

This post was last edited by Brian Eighties on 2019-02-07 06:07:31.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-02-07 07:06:21Show All Posts
  • Blue650333 On 2019-02-07 06:58:33
  • Honestly, Maybe stop bringing ninja out for a bit and bring back some of the older ones. All these people spending money while the people who can;t spend money just sit here unable to compete with them

Spenders will always have the advantage; it's what they pay for. However, I think to keep the people who can't spend money continuing to play there need to be periods of "down time" that allow the latter time to play catch up so that the gap doesn't become too overwhelming. Going back, focusing on older ninja with trials and breakthroughs is a good way to prevent that from happening. I don't feel there's been near enough of them, so we're on the same page there.

This post was last edited by Brian Eighties on 2019-02-07 07:07:58.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-02-07 07:42:37Show All Posts
  • Mass On 2019-02-07 07:34:11
  • "Hur dur reading the forums is so funny duuuuur ppl asking for naruto huhuhu im so glad he is not in this week again hahaha lolz rolf lmao" GTFO

    On a serious note, all you have to do its make him redeemable again but nerf his leech, thats all you got to do and everything will be fine once again. this is the best scenario, im still pissed af about him not being in the events this week and i think oasis as always is dropping the spaguettis.

His leech would have to be reduced drastically for it to have an impact. He heals based on damage he's dealt, so of course players are just going to stack everything they have into him for damage to take advantage of it. Five percent might seem too far in comparison to twenty-five, but then I'm not sure if even that's enough.

This post was last edited by Brian Eighties on 2019-02-07 07:44:17.
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