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Competitiveless NY servers


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 6
  • Posts: 2832
On 2019-02-09 03:27:35Show All Posts
  • Kuebiko On 2019-02-09 01:07:18
  • if you're amongst the top 100 in your cluster youre statistically more likely to run into noobs in arena, unless youre stubbornly queueing despite having run into the same whale 3 times during off-peak hours.

    also maybe as a high-ranking player you may be a bit removed from the new player situation in general, but not everyone in early servers are as competitive as you might think. some might have joined recently (maybe they didnt know to join new servers, maybe they joined to get a feel of the older servers, maybe they joined because they like suffering?), and others could have returned after a long absence, or opened an 4lt to feed themselves.

    you've met this guy like what, 5 times in arena and you think you know what goes on in his thoughts and life and actions?? there are tons of reasons for people to enter arena with less than optimal competitive teams. open your mind a little and stop being so eager to look down on players.

Matching people only from your cluster only happens in matsuri, Sage, gnw, and training ground.

Arena, 3v3, bonds and any other "arena" related is region wide.

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