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[ Lineup ] Ranked Battle Counter Strategies: Come Learn a Thing or Two! (F2P friendly)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-02-05 16:24:17Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hey guys! A lot of people have told me that they didn’t really know how to deal with Ranked Battles and just gave up and stopped doing them. I figured I would show how I set up my teams to counter other teams and rank up. These teams are NOT perfect but they show some good counter strategies. Post your teams here if you need help! The Community would be more than happy to help you. If you think you've got some good teams, go ahead and post it here so everyone can see!

Ranked Battles Footage:

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Counter Strategy Endurance:

When you first take a look at Rias’s team, you’ll see that her team has a lot of area damage for round 2.

7 out of the 12 ninjas can deal heavy mystery damage

3 others can deal area damage with their chase attack

The rest heal/revive, remove debuffs, or control.

What this team is missing, however is buffs. The only buff that Rias has for the field are Konan’s 40% nin/attack and some shields as well as Susanoo Kakashi’s no-dodge buff.

You can make a complicated strategy to deal with this, but a simpler way to do it is to increase your defence so much that the constant area attacks have little effect.

Top Team: To deal with high ninjutsu area attacks, my top team has Chunin Shikamaru which increases def/res by 100% for Hidden ninjas. He protects well against front attacks with this buff. He c*so be the dummy target of control abilities, or get enough chakra left to Yagura and Edo Deidara. Tobirama also increases 30% attack to the whole field, which is good for the rest of the ninjas in the field since most of them use a lot of taijutsu.

Middle Team:

You can see in the middle that Jigukodo can be attacked in a straight line and he’s working with Tsunade as a double healer team. He also gets 60% defence.. but he needs to be killed quickly because he can revive other ninjas. The Shisui, Itachi, Lightning main trio is placed to combo and kill him quickly with lots of damage and ignition.

Gaara is there to provide extra shields for the entire field to defend against heavy damage in round 2 and to also block Roshi from starting a combo with Edo Deidara with Super Armour.

Lightning main can run Root which gives 100% extra resistance and makes the constant barrage of ninjutsu attacks from Rias’s ninjas useless on this team. The Uchiha also get 100% more defence and resistance from Shikamaru and 30% critical hit rate.

Bottom Team:

Position 1 Jonin Minato’s mystery can continuously be used every round.. but only if the STANDARD ATTACK HITS. That means you can stop him from using it every round by blocking his standard attack with Konan!

Mangetsu allows the entire team on the bottom to dodge some of the attacks and gives yagura a dodge on top so that the chakra generation isn’t broken.

To deal with healers, Kushimaru and Jinpachi’s mystery deals a lot of ignition and immobilization, and Kushi can deal with the sharks on the bottom with extra standard attacks.


Counter Strategy Initiative:

Having better initiative means that you can control or deal damage in position 1 and stop part of the other team’s attacks or defense. You can see there that Takafumi has Edo Minato and Six Paths Naruto to interrupt everything.

Luckily I have better initiative and so my Area Attack or Control Ninjas are all in position 1, and I can deal huge damage while keeping myself safe.

If you have lower initiative, use ninjas that can’t be interrupted like Mifune. Or you could generate chakra over time with a passive ability like Cee, Kurenai, Samui, or Mabui.

Top Team:

Once again there’s a lot of ninjutsu damage coming from the other team. This means root and shields from Gaara and lighting main is very useful. Takafumi has also left his Shisui vulnerable with only shields, which means My Shisui has the potential to kill off or deal heavy damage to his Shisui in round 1 and save myself from his mystery in round 2.

Middle Team:

One thing to note is that Edo Hiruzen is just a sitting duck there, even with shields. We could just blitz him ORR.. copy him and get a huge ninjutsu and attack buff to my field ninjas with Yagura!

Edo Deidara is our damage dealer, so we want to keep him safe. The bottom of the team is a safe spot because any combo that Edo Minato starts will either be blocked by Chunin Shikamaru(who has 100%def/resistance increase), or on a random ninja when Minato uses his mystery. If he does die however, Tobirama’s 60 chakra mystery also hits 12 ninjas and does a good amount of damage.

Bottom Team:

The bottom team is full of support ninjas with two rows of ninjas that don’t have much defence. That means Kushimaru is going to have a lot of fun poking holes through those guys every round. On top of that, his control mystery would be strong and almost every standard attack will be dodged/blocked in that team. Any blitz team would also do well here. After killing everyone off in the bottom, that team can then help attack the ninjas in the middle and overwhelm the entire field.


Counter Strategy Zero Buff:

Against a Han, Summit Madara, Edo Yugito, or ninjas that remove all buffs, there are several approaches.

One is to use ninjas that have their own passive buffs. This includes ninjas like Jinpachi, who has higher defence/resistance with technique points instead of buffs. Summer Hinata, who increases defence and resistance based on male members on the team. Roshi, who increases his damage and defence over time.

Another is to use immune to status ninjas or super armour while dealing lots of debuffs and combo attacks yourself. Red-Hot Kushina is probably one of the best, if not the best in this kind of a fight. But you c*so use other Jinchurikii or someone like Normal Madara.

Top Team:

The top team is set up to rebuff and deal lots of area damage after Han’s mystery. Torune poisons a ton of people with round 1 mystery while draining some of their chakra. Yagura copies Iruka, who buffs the entire team’s damage and provides shields to poisonous clones. Hiruzen is a good area damage dealer and Summer Hinata’s defensive buffs can’t be removed. Hinata’s mystery is also good for some area damage and acupuncture at low chakra cost.

Middle Team:

Konan is able to block 2 standard attacks and Roshi increases his damage and defence with each attack. Even though Konan’s buffs can’t be activated, her dodges and resistance from Suit Sai makes her very hard to kill. Jigukudo also heals and maintains the team, making the entire team hard to kill.

Having no buffs also means lots of ninjas won’t have immunity, which is perfect for Sai’s lions to immobilize random enemy ninjas.

Bottom Team:

As you can see, Shadow’s team has a Fu, which is one of the most annoying pests to fight against with no immunity. I also put a Fu to randomly put people to sleep. In round 1, She’s capable of putting up to 5 ninjas to sleep if you let her use her mystery!

Asides from her, the Edo Deidara and Jinpachi combination causes ignition to everyone around them. With Torune dealing area poison and Deidara/Jinpachi dealing ignitions, any non-immune ninjas on their team will be dealt quite some damage every turn.

I hope you guys enjoyed this brief strategy talk. Come and post your thoughts below or share your own strategies! Go ahead and post if you need help as well. The community would love to help solve your problem.

This post was last edited by okbuthow on 2019-02-05 16:24:17.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-02-01 23:30:19Show All Posts
  • leopheal On 2019-02-01 22:31:29
  • can you do mines we have same amount of power 55k is my power and 53k is his power


Could you also show what ninjas you have? The top team is kind of wasteful right now. Asuma generates chakra but no one is there to use it and the rest will lose their full life points. Maybe you can switch Suigetsu out for someone like Kurenai. If you have Suit Sai, that one would be very useful as a position 1 for your top team.

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On 2019-02-02 03:47:18Show All Posts
  • leopheal On 2019-02-02 01:15:44
  • NarutoOnline190120070918NarutoOnline190120070928NarutoOnline190120070944NarutoOnline190120070956NarutoOnline190120071012NarutoOnline190120071024NarutoOnline190120071033

This might now work on the first try but here:

Adjust according to how you do

Top Team:

Suit Naruto Torune

Kurenai/Beheading Kakashi/Ningendo Jinchurikii Fu

Middle Team :

Switch Darui out with Fu Yamanaka and put him on top position 3.

Bottom Team:

Darui Jinin

Kin/Ginkaku(whichever one combos with Jinin) Konan

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On 2019-02-03 01:34:01Show All Posts
  • leopheal On 2019-02-02 19:09:31
  • broooooo this worked first try thx man

No problem!

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-02-04 01:43:08Show All Posts
  • HGVSDJBREVHBJEF On 2019-02-03 21:31:10
  • opponent has about 25k more power than me; i've beaten him around 5x after fighting him 100+ times, any solid lineup to counter the power diff?



IF there’s a 25k power difference you’re going to have to accept that he’s always going to be able to come back if he changes teams and/or gets better at ranked. That being said, the Zero buff part of the video might be good for you for ideas.

Top: Kurotschi(put out of harm’s way), Kushina in the middle, Suit Sai behind her, Cloak Sakura next to Kushina protected by Kurotsuchi on the bottom

Middle: Some tanky ninja in position 1 with a good mystery, Lightning main next to it to draw chakra and use lighting seal mystery, Neji next to him in the front position 3. Shisui in the back for barrier. The goal of this team is to nullify Tendo. Tendo’s mystery is not prompt, so you can fire off an acupuncture, gain chakra later, then use another acupuncture.

Bottom: Han top, position 2 to block Kisame’s standard attack and chakra drain. Roshi middle front position 1. Fu and Sage Naruto(or Yagura) on the bottom.

These are just ideas I’m throwing out there. Adjust them to what actually happens :P Let know how it works for you!

This post was last edited by okbuthow on 2019-02-04 01:45:41.
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On 2019-02-04 06:19:42Show All Posts
  • HGVSDJBREVHBJEF On 2019-02-04 05:16:41
  • worked straight away : ) used this, the slowness,sleep,acu did wonders, very underrated characters that shine in ranked battles


Great! I see that you used minato instead with Kurenai's chase to chaos Tendo. Good Plan!

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On 2019-02-05 16:25:15Show All Posts

Wow this is tricky. Ok. I’m not absolutely sure this is going to work, but these tactics here should at least give you a decent advantage. Make sure to take a look at my Zero Buff Strategy in the video for ideas. And Adjust according to what happens in the actual fight.

Top: Neji front top, lightning main behind him: position 3(make the initiative lower than your opponent’s Mabui) Generate Chakra and use lightning seal, Kushina middle, Suit Sai on the bottom left corner

The goal of this team is to stop Tendo. Give Neji the treasure tool for combo so that he has a higher chance of acupuncturing Fuguki as well,

Middle: Position one Shisui bottom right

Christmas Sakura right behind him

Jigukodo, omoi, or Sannin Tsunade behind Christmas Sakura.

Chiriku position two on top


Aim yagura at the bottom where he’ll copy killer bee. That should give your jinchurikii some extra buffs.

Sage Naruto in front of Yagura on the bottom(let the clone block as well)

Roshi in the front middle

Fu right behind him

Let me know how it works for you!

This post was last edited by okbuthow on 2019-02-05 16:26:21.
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On 2019-02-05 23:14:14Show All Posts
  • żółw On 2019-02-05 21:23:28
  • But that team won't even use Tendo round 1... :P Unless Bee somehow targets Mabui.

Nice catch! Ok in that case use ligtt main with chakra generate and bloodthirsty and chidori blade, tendo behind, asuma behind, and kage gaara in the middle. This will be a team that fires off every round after generating chakra. Gaara will get that killer bee buff too

This post was last edited by okbuthow on 2019-02-05 23:20:49.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-02-09 05:15:46Show All Posts
  • Kirizuki On 2019-02-08 22:22:18
  • Hey there!

    I'm trying to stay kinda competitive in ranked (top 10 of my own server, ~40-ish of merged server) but I often struggle with various teams. I like to experiment, try different lineups, settings, synergizing teams, but with mixed results - it's always ups and downs, and fighting for the 3rd spot of my server with 4 different dudes and while I mostly have ini advantage I generally lack hard field hitters so it is a struggle and while I find something that works on one dude it usually is super weak against another. Plus sometimes a good concept on paper comes out super thin - I think we all had same experiences.

    Anyway - I'm not looking for any specific counter but for something that might be 'good' in general and I've been wondering if you could throw me some suggestions cause maybe there are some good team that eluded me so far and I haven't tried them yet and maybe you can think of them? Below are my ninjas, I have most of the sb's for the ones I have.

    Thanks in advance!


You have quite a collection so there’s a few possibilities here.

There’s a couple directions I can suggest with this many ninjas. One is Zero buff with Han at a lower position, and someone like Edo Jinpachi to block any interrupt round 1 mysteries. I’ve already done a lot of Zero Buff teams up there^ and it’s in the video so I won’t go into it too much.

Basic Principles: Include Buffs that rely on ninjas being alive or/and can't be removed

Include Debuff Removers/Healers

Use Immunity ninjas or Ninjas that get stronger over time.

Reviving ninjas and Super Armour ninjas in front are all very good. You c*e random target standard attacks to stop the opponent from scaling (like if they had roshi or Kushina)

Asides from that, another direction you can go is the standard position 1 Area Damage Ninjas. Shisui, Kurama Naruto, and Roshii are all good picks. But they do need to survive. So lets say.. we do a Jinchurikii setup.

Kurama Naruto Position 1. Roshi Position 1. Killer Bee somewhere in the back in one of the teams. Then add a Tendo team with Main in the front with a mystery(and a Shiba summon for defence). Have say, a breakthrough Konan to stop standard attacks and buff Tendo, and then something like suit Sai behind her. These ninjas are capable of dealing a good amount of damage while being hard to interrupt in Ranked. (Tendo’s chakra depends on position 1 main, Roshi is position 1, and Kurama Naruto has dodge and is position 1)

Next you want to build some layers of defence/offence/control into there and there’s many many ways to do that. I look at the single team stats at this point.

For example: In Kurama Naruto’s Team, I propose having Kurama Naruto, Chiriku, and .. someone from the Alliance like Mabui for Chakra(she gets immunity from Kurama). This way you’ll have a healer that generates enough chakra for everyone to fire off delayed abilities(harder to interrupt).

With Roshi, maybe pair him up with Kushina in the middle, then add Tsunade and Sakura to double heal the team while scaling everything.

I just made this up but it should be fair, and you can make some adjustments like with Minato instead for high damage and interruption.

This takes a long time to write so I’ll just sum up some other ideas.

Shisui Itachi Anbu Assasination with Chunin Shikamaru as defence or possibly Chiriku.

Minato Shisui Itachi and a healer team works well. But can be blitzed so run some field defense like Gaara shields.

Both Raikage pairs as super armours with position 1 Edo Raikage and Jinpachi is a fairly difficult team to get around.

I’m not experienced in using Anbu Yamato but he should have a lot of uses.

I hope this helps and let me know how it goes!

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On 2019-02-13 06:56:41Show All Posts
  • Dumbledore Calr On 2019-02-12 20:08:40
  • regular asuma and kazekage gaara? When u say Fu, you mean Jinchuriki? also my tsunade is sb too

    Screen Shot 2019-02-12 at 7

    New enemy formation. They wipe out Yagura b4 he can copy. Also Kushina is too op...

Kage Gaara yes. Wind Blade Asuma.

Aim Yagura at where killer bee is and he won't be wiped out and make sure he can get his mystery in on round 1.

The rest you'll have to do on your own. Adjust ninjas using the strategies you have right now. If the opponent keeps adjusting his formation you have to adjust with him and I can't always go back to take a lot of time to help you on a version of his team. Watch the video for different strategies you might want to use.

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On 2019-02-13 06:58:08Show All Posts

No problem @kirizuki I'm glad it helped! The Kabuto Kimimaro is pretty interesting. It was only used in F2p often before a ton og ninjas came out, but the new breakthroughs might change things. I'm glad you're able to be so innovative!

Quicky Post

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