Views: 4418 | Replies: 9
[ Bugs ] 3vs3 still not fixed


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  • Registered: 2018-02-02
  • Topics: 32
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On 2019-02-01 21:04:09Show All Posts

I wonder where all the money whales spend goes to.

Are 4 months and there is still the bug of the missing matching that compels you in refreshing the page because when you click on 'cancel' nothing happens

There is still there the bug of the missing synchronization between the server and the UI when at least one trio is made up of a team with 2 people and 1 random guy from another server that joins in completing the trio.

Fixing those things should literally be the priority for oasis because there is nothing a cadher hates more than facing a bug that lets him lose time for nothing or that makes for him impossible to play like he wants.

Quicky Post

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