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[ Events ] Event Cycle - January 31st


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On 2019-01-30 20:32:02Show All Posts
  • Haru8959 On 2019-01-30 20:28:51
  • that's a right decision, 6pn is too strong to give him away for 20k coupons, they even should made it from the beginning

But is it a good reaction after they handed him out for 20k coupons for so long? This is just making it better for the early 20k spenders and really making it more unfair by closing the option to join the six path naruto club. Also here we have a situation where naruto has been turned into a ingots only ninja rather then a higher price ninja. Its a big difference.

This post was last edited by Super Gai on 2019-01-30 20:34:32.
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On 2019-01-30 20:37:57Show All Posts
  • rum1890 On 2019-01-30 20:26:41
  • We need % tactics and tsunade npc not those thing -_-"

Only a sith deal in % tactics.

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On 2019-01-30 20:39:43Show All Posts
  • Mass On 2019-01-30 20:37:30
  • Thats his price in all servers so why changed it here? join the club or get a counter to him and call it a day.

yea i agree, if they had wanted to change a price the time for that past when he got realesd for 20k coupons. Trying to change it now is just making it worse.

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On 2019-01-30 20:45:21Show All Posts
  • Lau890CatQuiz On 2019-01-30 20:39:48
  • they always need to complain about something this is probably the best week i saw for the past 2 months expecially for f2p

Doing another good deed wont erase mistakes. Just cause they hit the mark in some cases doesn't mean they hit it in all cases. Give credit where credit is due but don't ignore shortcomings. Things c*ways be better and things c*ways be worse. Id rather the game went towards the better option so shortcomings need to be pointed out.

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On 2019-01-31 00:02:52Show All Posts
  • Chaos Madara On 2019-01-30 22:16:34
  • Always nag nag nag... if you are not willing to put real money in the game so just get what is given to you which is pretty fair...this game is not for charity they have staff and servers to maintain and they need to make profit.... so you are a F2P and not giving a single dime in it and you keep nagging and asking for things. This is not how things are in any online game.

    BTW so some smart ass will say i am p2w, i am not.

    Didn't put a single dollar in the game and am trying to enjoy it to the fullest.

I think you may have missed the part where the ingot price this passing week for six path naruto was 30k ac*ulated recharge. The smallest price to get some naruto frags was 10k ingots recharged. This means that anyone who doesn't have the budget to recharge atleast 10k ingots in a week won't be able to progress towards him. and dont forget 10k ingots is 200 dollars in a week for this. Trust me there are plenty of people who fall into less then 200 dollars in a week paid to oasis who wont be able to get a character that was available before.

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On 2019-01-31 00:10:42Show All Posts
  • Haru8959 On 2019-01-30 22:51:18
  • You are right but that doesn't mean that they have to continue that. You yourself can see how meta changed with him.
    Yes that's *ed and unfair, someone who had coupons and was fast to buy him in first weeks now have him.
    But still...
    Better later then never

So you say that better later then never. Then tell me how has this move changed the game itself? People who have six path naruto are sitting at the top, only change is that now those who can't or wont recharge wont be able to match them. Naruto is still out there in the fights. Stopping more people from buying him is just making sure that those who have had a bad time cause they don't have naruto have a even worse time cause now they can't even get naruto if they spend their time saving coupons. Who is supposed to be gaining a better game experience from this?

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On 2019-01-31 00:14:08Show All Posts
  • Hamburg2123 On 2019-01-31 00:00:18
  • For the babies who are crying about their cancer Naruto .. I am happy af they stopped spamming him. He was spammed almost every week in the first 2 months of his release. Now 70% of the community has him and it made the game boring and cancerous. The previous meta ninjas like Edo Deidara , Angel of God Konan were not in the good events like Lucky Board , Konoha's Great Tree or Missions for 2-3 months. Naruto was in Lucky Board with Fukurokumaru's rebate in the first month !!! First month !!! So yeah chill and better invest resources in power than contributing for this game to become even a bigger cancer.

You do realise that current situation won't really change the game for the better? Naruto is out there and if already 70% of the people have him, do you really wanna be part of the 30% who have just lost the chance to get him and have to deal with the current meta with no ability to really fight back? Cause unless you forget the people who usually are able to get a ninja as soon as it comes out, also have the money to buy more power then the average joe.

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On 2019-01-31 02:06:17Show All Posts
  • Brian Eighties On 2019-01-31 01:26:14
  • Oasis made a mistake making him so available. He's pretty much broken the meta at this point; it's just come down to get him and put everything into him. After all, his explosive mode just heals him for the majority of damage he might take, plus you've to get past his evade AND the likely aspect of an Earth Main shielding him. By the time you actually get to him, you've lost a ninja or two and he's unable to be killed given the mass amount of healing he's done. That and you won't do enough damage to offset what he heals.

    The problem is by doing what I've mentioned prior they've given players who grabbed him a significant advantage, so a choice has to be made. Just let the meta run rampant and the game essentially become Six Paths Naruto Online, which in turn will probably cost Oasis more money in the long run than they're making; especially given what most players will do is just spend for him rather than much else. The second option is to limit his availability and minimize the damage he's done to the game. I can see why you think it's unfair, I do but if Oasis don't clean up their own mess now; well you don't want that. I suggested to lower the healing from Six Paths explosive mode, but even that might not be enough given he heals based on damage.

    For example, the more ninjas you have the more damage he does to you thus he heals. He can quite literally solo an entire team and at the least stall long enough for ten rounds with more life to win given his abundance of heals. He's that broken and again you do not want everyone having that. I do not use the previous term lightly either.

limiting his availability wont fix the meta. Thats my point, meta stays the same no matter if you limit narutos availability now. Things should be done to change the meta rather then saying there is a meta but you don't get a choice on what side your on and instead are forced to get beaten with a * no matter what you do. So there never was just two options, stuff needs to be added that can counter naruto or naruto needs to be weakened.

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On 2019-01-31 02:10:23Show All Posts
  • TotallyNotKuram On 2019-01-31 01:11:11
  • And do you realize it won't change a lot, beside making 9 out of 10 fights boring, repetitive and probably in the end with defeat screen anyway, just longer? Also yes, i might be a weirdo, but i'm not feeling need to go after him, *ing to those 30% you've mentioned. There are ways to work around him, just simply it needs more strategy and patience - putting fire with fire is not the solution.

if you have figured out the amazing way to counter those 6 path naruto teams then actually making him more frequent should be a blessing right? i mean if you can counter him and the chance of a random fight you face having a 6 path naruto will only just increase your winning chances? So i dont see why you should have a problem with that. But for those who have collected those 20k now, their choice has been taken from them.

This post was last edited by Super Gai on 2019-01-31 02:11:12.
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On 2019-01-31 02:28:27Show All Posts
  • Brian Eighties On 2019-01-31 02:17:50
  • The caveat is that if you "nerf" Six Paths now you're upsetting those who've already spent for him. They'll feel slighted, cheated, and the like. It's a no win situation. Weakening him might work, but you'd likely have to reduce his healing by such a significant amount it matters, remove his immunity to debuffs, scale his damage down, or something similar. I'd have included his evade, but that means little with the debuff immunity so that wouldn't do much if at all.

well nerfing is never the best option but it would have better results for overall game balance then simply picking some lot of players and telling them they can't take part in meta but have to get beaten by it. Personally i would prefer expanding on skill breakthroughs, meaning both more breakthroughs and hopefully easier to get. That way it would be possible to expand the range of good ninja. Doubt any would really outright beat six path naruto but at least give more new options.

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On 2019-01-31 03:02:09Show All Posts
  • Hamburg2123 On 2019-01-31 02:46:10
  • I love how people who have him say .. meeeh just counter him man , like it's super easy to do so .. when you need 3 20k event ninjas to counter him and he is a single 20k event ninja .. IQ 9000

and we all know who wins when people are forced to spend 60k instead of 20k to survive now :D

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On 2019-01-31 03:15:40Show All Posts
  • Pekara On 2019-01-31 03:12:55
  • we want tsunade npc and tactics %!

i think if you browse this thread a bit more you will be certain that "we" is more like "i" when it comes to tactic %.

NB! i dont support the idea of tactc %.

This post was last edited by Super Gai on 2019-01-31 03:16:19.
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