Views: 1725 | Replies: 5
[ Bugs ] Giant Rasengan, Dragon Flame Jutsu Bug


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-10 11:16:29Show All Posts
  • On 2016-09-10 09:32:47
  • K. So GR and FDJ get a use with 1 round cd, and then a use with a 4 round cd and then a 1 round cd and then a 4 round cd. You basically get 2 uses in a row before it goes on long cd.

    When you are interrupted on the First Use, you should be able to use it next round.
    Please like read the post before you reply :p
"After using for 2 rounds, it will start to cool off for 4 rounds." However, since you were interrupted and did not USE it, it goes on a 4 round cooldown. At least to my understanding, this is intentional for both classes. The pro of using it twice comes with the con of having it possibly disrupted and cooling down for 4.
Quicky Post

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