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Naruto [Sage of the Sage Paths]


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-01-26 20:12:01Show All Posts

Man if you quit cuz of one single ninja, idk what to tell ya, have fun irl i guess, it's a game, have fun, if you aint having fun, what's the point in playing it. People over complicate too much...

Btw, naruto 6p aint going to be nerfed, get used to it, as the memers say, "git gud".

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-01-27 20:17:15Show All Posts
  • How are all the On 2019-01-27 12:52:12
  • Can anyone explain to me why talking about a character getting nerfed is so frowned upon in this game? I have played dozens of games where the company who runs the game will check on the health of the game and make nerfs or buffs accordingly(hearthstone league of legends call of duty etc etc) But when you talk about game balance in this game people treat like you are just some baby complaining. If the people running this game came out with a forum post saying "you know what rinnegan sasuke while he is good he just doesn't compare to his explosive mode counterparts. so we are gonna buff him a bit" That would just mean oasis or whoever is running this game is actually doing their job and making sure the game isnt running into the dumpster. All that being said im aware they cant or wont just go into the game and change things cause they have to follow the chinese template.

Are you sure? Also is frowned upon, cuz when people struggle, they dont wanna find a solution, they want the easy way out, so how bout a little insight reflection, on which and how many ninjas you have, and play your hand accordingly, game doesnt have to adjust to a vocal minority(even thou sometimes aint true to this game...whale spenders LUL ) you gotta adjust the team, you gotta come up with a counter, or if you dont have the counter, then *s to be you, but move on and play the game, and this is true to alot of games, we gamers are s*fed and we push comes to shove, we cry and moan, but in reality we wanna be babysitted, we want to be cared, so let's just say for a joke, that naruto 6p and actually op, then what? are you going to nerf him, listening to the vocal minority? while angering the majority of people who got him? imo the only annoying part of his kit it's his leech, nothing else, i've been beaten by it, and beaten naruto 6p. So harsh reality is, he's not going to be nerfed, in fact, he will ceased to be meta(which is a term i laugh about) once new ninjas come around or improved versions of the old ninjas come out, or maybe even, new features.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-01-28 00:25:48Show All Posts
  • Voidium On 2019-01-28 00:16:22
  • I know he isn't getting nerfed, yet i want to discuss about his nerf...

    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

sums up thank you.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-01-28 20:24:15Show All Posts
  • lvlaxdeviant On 2019-01-28 20:13:17
  • eh nvm.

"Yeah you can beat a 110k naruto with 150k AGK, that is irrelevant". It's called overpowering, he can still dodge her standard, which makes it like 2 rounds AGK dry outta options and just taking hits from continous mystery by naruto 6p, but again, yes he does have a counter, at least one on top of my head and you mention it, Kushina Habanero, i beat it before, it's hard sometimes and annoying all the time(dodges and leech ofc) but he can be beaten.

Quicky Post

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