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Naruto [Sage of the Sage Paths]


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 92
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On 2019-01-30 03:22:22Show All Posts
  • How are all the On 2019-01-26 22:32:19
  • What have i complained about? Have i tried to beat six paths naruto with a blitz team. of course i have tried to beat him with a blitz team what kind of question is that sheesh. with enough power you can beat him with team 7, that is clearly not the point. you said this character can easily be dealt with. which is one of the dumbest things anyone has posted on this thread so far. everyone in my cluster (myself included) is tired of using him. but because is he is clearly op if they want to win they have to use him. If he was so easy to beat they would using these blitz team you are alluding to that deals with him.

real talk

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