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[ Events ] why 10 madara frags are in the lucky stars wheel ?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-01-06 21:38:50Show All PostsDescending Order
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I wonder why 10 frags of founder madara in the wheel ?

i was wondering why while you can get him through his own treasure for 80 frags -after about 900ss-

his 10 frags are absolutely a joke ,becuz if you have him you need another 90 frags to make his frags usefull as u wish 90*16000=1440000 coups

if u dont have him .. then congrats its a useless spen useless ( unless u gonna spend 70*16000(his average price) = 1120000 coups ,,way to go (( exclude the lucky spins))

i dont think and about to be sure no one ll spen a 100k coups at least for useless of madara "" dont forget this madara price is near to the 10 tails one ,right ? ""

-- you have many many useless(izanagi danzo) - outdated(kakuzuEGF-(usefull) commun(mei) ninjas

yea and here is the point i wanted to write about :- dropping rate :

why it has a very * low droppng chance ? are we a joke to u ???

there r many ninjas r better than this madara like naruto 6p and shisui..etc+ the upcoming characters


the SUMMARY of the TOPiC is :

just respect ur costumers

( ( explain why this 10 frags why its not 30-50 maybe 60 ?? ) )

i want to know if i am mistaken and the players like this system or no so i hope im not mistaken

just consider im a normal players needs an answer from *moderators*

im sure i wasted my time ..........EDITED im sry for that messy topic, i've idited everything

This post was last edited by HaNeBoOo on 2019-01-06 21:38:50.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 3
  • Posts: 26
On 2019-01-06 21:50:10Show All Posts
  • Bogotor On 2019-01-06 03:51:38
  • 80 frags was the worst.There was ppl who get 80 frags for 200-800 coupons,and majority who put all month income and get nothing.Now,when you spend coupons,you know for what you spend them,not hoping for some miracle rng luck.

I remember when i spent for shisui what i have that was my big fault then no shisui

but madara is useless he is not event ninja i dont remember when he arrived in a event once

why not to put 30 frags of a ninja is in the same event is redeemable ??

like edo itachi 20 frags in the wheel and u can redeem his frags in same lucky stars at same week

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