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[ Events ] Event Cycle - December 20th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-12-20 04:39:09Show All Posts
  • 3Hunna On 2018-12-19 23:29:05
  • I dont know real reasons, but from week to week I'm getting more and more sure, that this game will be dead if next 12 months. Oasis see it clearly, and just want to get all money they can as soon as possible. Too bad, it was a great, GREAT game.. But they killing it fast.. If u bout to start donate money in it think once again, u can screw up too hard with it.

it's my same impression too.

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On 2018-12-20 04:40:41Show All Posts
  • Jared21 On 2018-12-20 04:26:17
  • Then quit :)

don't worry, if goes on this way he won't be the only one.

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On 2018-12-20 04:45:36Show All Posts
  • Pupsiiiii On 2018-12-19 23:40:24
  • Madara is, technically, free, since you get to keep the ingots.

You are right but if you don't want to get 150k ingots because you think are too many, then for you is not free. You have to pay all the difference between the amount of ingots you actually wanted to get and the required amount to unlock it.

Doesn't matter if is free after you hit the goal.

It's like a take 3 pay 2 offer for a pack of cookies in a supermarket. If you just need 1 pack of them is useless that they give you 3 if you pay for 2, you still are compelled to pay for the 2nd you didn't need.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-12-20 04:46:02.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-12-23 11:41:20Show All Posts
  • SomeoneRandom On 2018-12-20 21:47:36
  • As far as I've been playing, the only ninjas costing 500 cps or less are Moegi tier ninja. Those are not even "not expensive", they fall in the category of "very cheap". To me none expensive ninjas are those that f2p can afford to buy after saving a month. Now, whether those ninja are worth the cps or not is another matter. My point was, Sakura is affordable to f2p even if she is not wroth to spend on as a ninja (neither cps nor event points). If somebody really want her they could have saved for 2-3 weeks because she was expected to arrive around Christmas anyway.

    By the way, we earn more coupons now than 4.0 because of 2x convoy which we did not have before.

honestly speaking, i don't see many ninjas that cost less than 5k. So, even for you, the f2p event ninja don't exist.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-12-23 11:42:01.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-12-23 11:55:22Show All Posts
  • Regn On 2018-12-22 16:45:00
  • With all these ninjas coming out because of Christmas i hope this means that we're finally getting some skillbooked/breaked ninjas.

    I want a reason to use old characters and not rely on boring meta's so much. I mean, i'm not the only one thinking like this right?

i actually think the price of the ninjas is too high.

makes no sense i pay 20$ per month (as much if not higher as the subscription for some good mmorpg) and still i'm not able to recruit 1 single ninja i want even if i don't spend 1 single coupon on BP (that is literally the only thing that let me be staying competitive).

A few exceptions are fine (2-3 ninjas per year at most), but that this is the rule for every single new useful ninja implemented is not fine at all.

about skill breaktroughs and skill trials you are perfectly right. I don't understand why takes so long to implement them.

seems they want all the f2p and low cashers quit.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-12-24 05:45:17Show All Posts
  • UchihaShay On 2018-12-23 14:41:27
  • At the end of the day, every monday, they sit down and talk among themselves, "what's the best way to make money in short amount of time" that's basically their topic every monday, so they brainstorm a couple ideas on the table, to see if they can make cash, we all know they dont care if you dont spend at least 100 euros per week(5k ingots).

    Im curious to know what kinda business deal they're thinking, cuz long term this game is not gonna survive, not without the help of stockholders from tencent(if they even care oasis is sinking down the boat), which again depends what kinda deal / contract they have with tencent in regards to this game, for this game to die (in sense of word like wildstar did) it would have to majorly have a mass of people not spending in like a month or so. From this point i can assume this game can survive even if there's only a handful of players recharging every week, just for the kicks.

    Cuz if you're one of those people who recharges, then comes to forum or discord complaining about events, then dont recharge, spend your money elsewhere, nothing is going to change, they going to cater whoever puts 500 bucks upfront in cash simple as that, do it like me, i used to spend yes, i stopped cuz they dont listen, they dont care, so for me the best way to fight their greed is not throwing money at them, if you spend and dont care, dont complain, then idk what to tell you then, from that point it's ur money, you do whatever it's best, eventually people on ur server will quit.

the only reason why i go on purchasing the two monthly cards is simply because, otherwise, is literally impossible to do anything.

if i had to gather coupons for 3/4 consecutive months just to get 1 single ninja when there's a good rebate while, in the meanwhile, my power would stay substantially on hold i would get so bored i would quit instantly.

at least with the monthly cards i can actually spend those 1000-2000 coupons per week exclusively on good power options and feel i'm actually doing something useful (and actually gather 5-10k if for 2-3-4 weeks there's nothing good to go for).

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-12-24 05:46:17.
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