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[ Events ] Event Cycle - December 20th


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  • Registered: 2018-01-28
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On 2018-12-19 21:43:29Show All Posts
  • Boy Genius On 2018-12-19 21:20:50
  • How long before game just shuts down? Its super expensive ninjas every other week.

    Even a 3K one.

    Meanwhile, we barely have books or even Skill trials, games dying and they know it, and the Ninjas every other week is a clear sign they're milking it as much, ans fast as they can until they shut down.

Feels that way for sure, since everybody knows flash is gonna die in 2020

But there's just SO MUCH STUFF they haven't put out and CN keeps making even more ninja somehow XD

Idk if they'll even make that stuff for this version in time

Quicky Post

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