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  • Registered: 2018-02-04
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On 2018-12-17 12:39:35Show All PostsDescending Order
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why there is no new skill trial for ninja ?? its been so long since sasuke and tsunade got their Y skill, like , too long, stop pointless skill breaktrough update , i swear there is no one using that ninja that you update the skill breaktrough. that last skill breaktrough update has been pointless , itachi ?? guy ?? Fu yamanaka?? literally no one using it , it just waste your time to update the game, no one care about skill breaktrough, give use Y and L skill instead.
like , ohh ,, lets put guy skill breaktrough update this week, like , no one care to get guy to 4 star and gathering his fragment for book.

  • Registered: 2018-02-04
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On 2018-12-18 12:03:39Show All Posts
  • YujinTakara On 2018-12-17 23:21:39
  • there's 1 point i agree with you, need to have more skill trials ninjas, it's fun and experimenting and also useful... BUT the rate they are releasing the skill trial, for me, it has to be slow, because if we got too many skill trials too quickly, the game will be broken and p2f cant play because they cant keep up.

    on the other hand, try some skillbroken ninjas, you may like it...

    For example itachi fully broken is so so good, when u put him as a tank (well not too great if he has too low hp), he could dodge standards, chases AND mysteries endless times when his barrier is on (which is prompt when +2, too op), if he doesnt dodge, and suffers debuffs, he'll transfer ALL debuffs of him to the other team...and if u pair him with han, it's like having madara5kage and more (clear buffs + destroy barrier + tank + dodge + debuffs transfer)

    and for your information, fu breakthrough puppet passive +2 is awesome in arena, because water sharkbomb cant kill it with her mys (even when crit i think), thus make her chaos, ruining all combos...

    skill broken kurenai is god tier support ninjas, so i wont talk about her, and so is fully broken gaara
    skill broken lee pair with skillborken yamato is good for 9tails, and pvp too if u got higher ini than your opponent (in pvp try onoki then yamato, since he has auto barrier)

    skill broken hanzo is good too, imagine the opponent suffering 8k dmg from poison at round TWO...

    and while u r in arena, try skill broken deidara, his mys +1 in round 3 deals like 3k dmg to ignited ninjas... u cant rarely get a 3k damage in arena that fast xD

    So try something for fun,use your creativity haha.

its only good in theory and imajination, try using it in real battle ,where everyone using shield,immunity and heal/debuff removal.
-Han and itachi breaktrough combi is useless, sure remove buff and change the barrier , but we dealing no demage to enemy.
-breaktrough hanzo is sht, his Y skill is better , remove buff,immu,and shield, same like han + poison
-Lee and yamato for nine tail , sure , but we need for PvP not pve.
-Fu Yamanaka Y skill is much much better, can have 20% Leech Effect for Nin & Tai attack, it very good, the puppet only summon once in beginning but have more health
-Kurenai is Meh , she not good , not bad either, just so so , doesnt do much these day

and you know what better ??? you c*e Experiment Vial for for skill trial, and dont need to fully grind the book for ninja you would never use.

  • Registered: 2018-02-04
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On 2018-12-18 17:25:25Show All Posts
  • YujinTakara On 2018-12-18 12:30:51
  • please dont say it's useless unless u try it...

    i have 130k bp, and i'm currently using han-itachi right now (that's why i suggested it haha), water main (sharkbomb spam), han, itachi, kurenai... and i can beat 170k, 180k and even 210k with higher ini than me... even i cant imagine how does that weird-hearing lineup works, but i tried anyway because itachi's my idol... and out of my surprise, it works in sage as well as mats and in some cases, a surprise team in space-time where every debuffs comes for itachi and he reflects them all...

    For hanzo and fu, agree that Y is better than just +1 or +2, but keep in mind that when u break him to +2, u can switch to AND back with Y+1... hanzo frags is not cheap though, i'll give u that (well i dont have him yet lol), but fu frags can be farm... and idk if u aim for edo hashi or itachi ssn... if u aim for itachi, u should have fu 4 star with like 120 or more frags when u have itachi, and u can buy fu's frag by survival points too...

    For yamato and lee... yamato is only good in 9tails, and idk if he's better than hashirama... but he's p2f friendly, whild hashiirama needs rng luck, and lee is really good in mats when u have enough support (usually iruka, earthmain, kurenai/onoki if u r tanky enough) and the lower his hp get, well u know what i mean :)

    speaking of RNG luck... rmb that experimental vials is RNG base... so if u got Y+1 skill alr, and u forgot to lock it, or u dont have experimental protection vial, that may change back to normal skill, and the amout of tries u have to do if unknown, so u may spend 100k moon to get the skill set u want... and yes those vials r easy to obtain... but why spend 20k moon for vials and protection when u c*e that for 100 keys or 50 medium refine runes... to be honest, a 200k team 7 (normal naruto, sasuke and sakura with all fully breakthrough + fire/water main) can defeat a 100k team with some awesome ninjas, and u know those 3 r the easiest to get, right?

    so if u r f2p, please focus on power and farm stuff, and be creative and fun with the game xD.

what the -_-
its not about creative and Fun , most skill breaktrough is not practical to use and its NOT WORTH the 1-3 month grind for it, the whole system making it not worth it, and the fact that you need to get most of the ninja to 4 star first, it will take much longer.
we need more skill trial because it more practical , and save more time, use vial to get some skill then grind the rest and the Y skill is much better to use, no one is care enough to grind for a skill breaktrough for a whole 1-3 month or more , when at that time you have enough CP to buy a premium ninja.
skill breaktrough is useless, i am very sure that you use that itachi because oas give the 2 of 3 book you need to fully breaktrough him, it save your time and moon scroll to grind it , thats why you can be creative and fun, if not for that 2 book , you would never use him, heck , every ninja that have breaktrough that oas not give the book for it will never be used.

  • Registered: 2018-02-04
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On 2018-12-19 23:38:40Show All Posts

YujinTakara & RenjiAsuka all you can do is talking theory,

ohh kurenai is good , hanzo too, oh , lee is good to for bla bla bla , ohhh , yamato is cool , and itachi is good , can reflect debuf , bla bla bla.
but do you even see someone using all the ninja you talking about in the SWB or Matsuri ?? do you know why meta team exist ?? because it easier to to get meta than gathering for 200-400 frags of ninja. While you grinding for frags , you c*ready used a meta team with the coupon you saved , so whats the point of gathering all those frags ?? and the skill breaktrough is just minor improvement of the skill and not even good,still the same skill with additional effect, different with Y skill , its a new updated skill new effect more useful it basicly change useless skill into More useful skill, and player c*e it instantly using a vial.
what do you mean Vial is not practical, you can basicly CUT the time gathering those frags by a LOT, using 10k moon is much better rather than grind for whole 1-3 month because by the time you done, many player will already used meta and if you not on the meta side , you already losing.

Skill breaktrough is good in theory, but not practical.
it already proven useless by the fact no one using them as their main team(at least in my server bracket and yours too i believe), we need more Skill trial ninja because Player can actually use them by using vial instead to have grind for whole 1-3 month, while it still relevant ninja.
we need more skill trial ninja , not useless skill breaktrough.

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