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[ Lineup ] Karin [Christmas] Lineups


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 44
  • Posts: 114
On 2018-12-17 02:54:24Show All Posts
  • Hinu Hyuga On 2018-12-16 13:15:50
  • Nice lineups, but a few things.

    1. Karin's mastery summons a tree. Meaning if you use it round 2, and the one summoned by her dance passive is still alive. That's two tress that are on the field. I want to say it can keep going as long as you have empty spaces on your field. Will have to test with Wind Main and her..

    2. Who would be a good replacement for Kruma Naruto in Water Main Lineup 1. I don't have him at the moment, but would love to use that team, since I do own Shark Mode Kisame. Also I don't own KOH.

I would say SP naruto, but its unlikely you have him as well. So probably JM with bond skill, he can start the combo and mystery every round with combo with naruto.
Quicky Post

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