My current lineup is
x - tsunade full skill broken - LM
x - sasuke fully skill broken - kimmimaru (3 star)
x - x - x
Talents 23313 Summon cat.
I also unlocked Fukurokumaru.
What I used far in the past was kimimaru, lm, iruka Sasuke (later on darui)
Other option would be simple lightning blitz with lm iruka windblade and Sasuke. Talents and such I can't say right now. Still traveling home but would need to look it up. Basically use additional attacks passive + 40 lightning dmg passive + additional attack mystery with 2nd or 3rd auto attack talent and just stack resources on the lm (runes magatamas etc). That team can work for quite a while till u get more rare ninjas
I used it but switched to this
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