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On 2016-09-09 02:38:49Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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So I go through all the Breeze Dancer formations, gameplays, walkthroughs and etc. on this forum, and all i see is OP P2W with 3 or 4 stars ninjas formations, can you guys give me some normal formation with good combos that does not require spending 40-150$ on the game for ninjas and stuff? This are all my ninjas, recommend something.

EDIT: I'm level 33, and these are all my talents unlocked/that I c*e.
This post was last edited by cli*** at 2016-9-9 02:42
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On 2016-09-09 02:45:45Show this Author Only
if you cant afford 4 bucks to get gaara. or 5 dollars idk how much he cost. get temari kankuru and karin
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On 2016-09-09 02:55:02Show this Author Only
  • YuriScarlet On 2016-09-09 02:45:45
  • ok
    if you cant afford 4 bucks to get gaara. or 5 dollars idk how much he cost. get temari kankuru and karin
The only one I dont have is Karin, any formations WITH these 2 without Karin?
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On 2016-09-09 03:19:18Show this Author Only
First off, "pay to win" players (also known as paying customers) are the people who keep this game alive. Without them the game would be shut down because they wouldn't be making any money. After all, online video games are a business designed to make money. That's how the world works.

Second off, despite having spent $90 to support this game and keep it alive for people who will play for free and not give a dime to the people who have earned their support, I'm going to help you out with your team.

Alright so, many new players don't know this, but Hinata is one of the most OP ninja in the game early on, and even some level 70 players still use Hinata just because of how strong she is. Due to this, it's recommended that we should try to build a team around her, and then around wind since you can enhance 3 of your 4 ninjas attack and ninjutsu by 40% if they are wind type with your Wind Enhancement Talent.

If you design your team as follows:
X - Main - Hinata
X - X - X
Kankuro - Naruto - X

This lineup will give you acupuncture from Hinata from both your own and Naruto's repulses as you'll be using Giant Rasengan, and Kankuro and Naruto will both be stacking their own cover with Naruto clones and Kankuro's puppet. Hinata is tanky enough to survive on her own, especially with clones taking some of the hits for her.

I hope this all helps you, and I hope I covered enough information to help you learn a bit about the game too :)
EDIT: That team will also have a decent enough combo to get by while being mainly a control/defensive team. Works great for new players who don't have many resources yet!

This post was last edited by bho***@gmail.scom at 2016-9-9 03:21
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On 2016-09-09 03:21:51Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-09 02:55:02
  • The only one I dont have is Karin, any formations WITH these 2 without Karin?
Kabuto is the best healer in my opinion, and his fragments are available in Survival Trial. I don't know how he combos with Temari/Kankuro though.

Kankuro is a great choice in later levels because so many people choose Hinata, who blocks pretty much all taijutsu for a round but can't block Kankuro. Plus poison is a fairly useful debuff since it stacks. If Shizune (I don't have her) combos with Kankuro, that'd be really good, I think - double poison + heal.

Once you unlock Shadow Clone you should probably avoid conflicting with Naruto 3*, who spams clones like no tomorrow but they're really one-hit wonders, whereas your clones are pretty sturdy.

Hinata is incredible against taijutsu teams, especially across from Lee (she just blocks him).

So those are my suggestions. Maybe try them out against the Kakashi clone and see what works.

Hope this helps~!
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On 2016-09-09 03:51:35Show this Author Only
So I found 4 ninjas for team that all have combos with eachother, at least that's what it says when I click "Display Matches" , and i'm totally new to this game, only 3 days I think? o.O And I have no idea how to make formations, so.. here they are, if you can help me i'd be really glad
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On 2016-09-09 06:18:44Show this Author Only
work towards the standard kurenai, karin, hinata team with your main. all 3 are relatively easy to get as they are all in the shops. kurenai from arena, karin from group and hinata you c*e the elite instances rather than ranked.
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On 2016-09-10 08:07:37Show this Author Only
Each and everyone of you ppl asking for formations will make 200 threads one after the other askings for formations and stuff waiting for days but wont spend 15 minutes on the combo simulator page and experiments for yourselves. I dont see why anyone should bother give you a formation when you have everything you need to figure it out yourself like everyone else did... Because others have been giving ppl formations now there are ppl lvl 70 who cant make a formation of their own so watch and learn for yourself. Cant always be askings others to do your stuff and at lvl 33 you cant have a formation. You mix stuff up that seem to work a ltl bit and you roll with it until you learn the game.AND FYI theres only 1 team flooding the forums for wind and thats the empress team. All the parts for those ninjas can be bought on shop. Here is the site test for yourself decide and dont ask others. http://* This post was last edited by Numbers at 2016-9-10 08:09
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On 2016-09-10 10:51:35Show this Author Only
  • Numbers On 2016-09-10 08:07:37
  • Each and everyone of you ppl asking for formations will make 200 threads one after the other askings for formations and stuff waiting for days but wont spend 15 minutes on the combo simulator page and experiments for yourselves. I dont see why anyone should bother give you a formation when you have everything you need to figure it out yourself like everyone else did... Because others have been giving ppl formations now there are ppl lvl 70 who cant make a formation of their own so watch and learn for yourself. Cant always be askings others to do your stuff and at lvl 33 you cant have a formation. You mix stuff up that seem to work a ltl bit and you roll with it until you learn the game.AND FYI theres only 1 team flooding the forums for wind and thats the empress team. All the parts for those ninjas can be bought on shop. Here is the site test for yourself decide and dont ask others. http://* This post was last edited by Numbers at 2016-9-10 08:09
Is there one of these in English?
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On 2016-09-10 11:28:55Show this Author Only
  • Iarusu Fakod On 2016-09-09 03:21:51
  • Kabuto is the best healer in my opinion, and his fragments are available in Survival Trial. I don't know how he combos with Temari/Kankuro though.

    Kankuro is a great choice in later levels because so many people choose Hinata, who blocks pretty much all taijutsu for a round but can't block Kankuro. Plus poison is a fairly useful debuff since it stacks. If Shizune (I don't have her) combos with Kankuro, that'd be really good, I think - double poison + heal.

    Once you unlock Shadow Clone you should probably avoid conflicting with Naruto 3*, who spams clones like no tomorrow but they're really one-hit wonders, whereas your clones are pretty sturdy.

    Hinata is incredible against taijutsu teams, especially across from Lee (she just blocks him).

    So those are my suggestions. Maybe try them out against the Kakashi clone and see what works.

    Hope this helps~!
Wouldn't really combo well; he attacks the knockdown.>HF

Kankuro I believe is knockdown->LF; Temari I think is??? LF->HF.... Gaara is 5$ and worth it... You'll get free coins/Mags etc etc and an excellent tank for cheap. and he combos well with wind main and kankuro/kabuto. This post was last edited by KingKaimen at 2016-9-9 19:30
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On 2016-09-10 17:29:51Show this Author Only
Spend the 4 bucks and get a 4* Gaara. It's so cheap there's absolutely NO reason for you not to as a Wind main.
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On 2016-09-10 21:56:31Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-09 03:51:35
  • So I found 4 ninjas for team that all have combos with eachother, at least that's what it says when I click "Display Matches" , and i'm totally new to this game, only 3 days I think? o.O And I have no idea how to make formations, so.. here they are, if you can help me i'd be really glad
Try moving Kiba back one so he doesn't die fast, and if you have GNW Kiba use him instead.
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On 2016-09-10 21:57:59Show this Author Only
  • TheWakkaSage On 2016-09-10 10:51:35
  • Is there one of these in English?
Unfortunately not yet, but it's self-explanatory for the most part; use the dropdowns for main. Worst case look up "fire", "wind", etc. on Google Translate for the ccharacters.
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On 2016-09-10 21:59:12Show this Author Only
  • Kaimen On 2016-09-10 11:28:55
  • Wouldn't really combo well; he attacks the knockdown.>HF

    Kankuro I believe is knockdown->LF; Temari I think is??? LF->HF.... Gaara is 5$ and worth it... You'll get free coins/Mags etc etc and an excellent tank for cheap. and he combos well with wind main and kankuro/kabuto. This post was last edited by KingKaimen at 2016-9-9 19:30
But I don't have him for combos, it's his clones + heal. And he does combo with fire main/Kakashi/GNW Kiba, so he works for me. Depends on your team.
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On 2016-09-10 22:01:07Show this Author Only
I understand not wanting to pay. I'm just not allowed to, even for four bucks for Gaara; and there's a sort of pride in being a successful F2P. I support the game by telling people about it. So don't feel bad if you just don't want to.
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On 2016-09-10 22:58:18Show this Author Only
  • Numbers On 2016-09-10 08:07:37
  • Each and everyone of you ppl asking for formations will make 200 threads one after the other askings for formations and stuff waiting for days but wont spend 15 minutes on the combo simulator page and experiments for yourselves. I dont see why anyone should bother give you a formation when you have everything you need to figure it out yourself like everyone else did... Because others have been giving ppl formations now there are ppl lvl 70 who cant make a formation of their own so watch and learn for yourself. Cant always be askings others to do your stuff and at lvl 33 you cant have a formation. You mix stuff up that seem to work a ltl bit and you roll with it until you learn the game.AND FYI theres only 1 team flooding the forums for wind and thats the empress team. All the parts for those ninjas can be bought on shop. Here is the site test for yourself decide and dont ask others. http://* This post was last edited by Numbers at 2016-9-10 08:09
Okay, this is a nice site. But there's one thing I wanna ask about it, because I can't seem to understand, or find what i'm looking. https://scontent-otp1-1.*

The talents on my main always are the same, do they change automatically depending on the ninjas I use and combos available, or do I need to change them from somewhere?
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On 2016-09-10 23:39:40Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-09 03:51:35
  • So I found 4 ninjas for team that all have combos with eachother, at least that's what it says when I click "Display Matches" , and i'm totally new to this game, only 3 days I think? o.O And I have no idea how to make formations, so.. here they are, if you can help me i'd be really glad
It shows you that this ninja can chase that ninja but the effectiveness and the combo chain aren't guaranteed. This post was last edited by 114***@google at 2016-9-10 23:56
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On 2016-09-11 00:27:30Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-10 22:58:18
  • Okay, this is a nice site. But there's one thing I wanna ask about it, because I can't seem to understand, or find what i'm looking. https://scontent-otp1-1.*

    The talents on my main always are the same, do they change automatically depending on the ninjas I use and combos available, or do I need to change them from somewhere?
at the top next to the dropdown box for the main is the talent selector *on. Right next to it is the summon selector *on.
Quicky Post

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