I have an advice. Please delete the whole One Ingot Sales. Am I really the only one who doesn't like One Ingot Sales?
is fukromaro and chiriku useful??????????
fukurokumari no
chiriku seems to have a good skill set,
Mystery damages "entire lineup" /deals damage to attacking units for that round
buffs konoha units +40% def and 40% res
Immune to debuffs
Mystery cd reduces on taking damage
*but I think he needs to be 4 star to have all his abilities, at least that's what konohaproxy lists him at
I officially give up on you guys ever making this game any better. You dont listen to the community and its just all about the money you can * out of everyone before they eventually quit or the game dies.
The game won't die because they get so much of dem sweet $ $ $
The game won't die, they got so much money from fools, they could wipe their mouth with all of it.
3v3 is permanent tho
It's clearly not permanent seeing as we didn't have it for like 2-3 weeks and it seems the same is happening again. I don't see why they don't just give us a new ninja every month and keep it open permanently like it says.
3v3 arena From 13.12 to 26.12.2018. Don't we only get 5 fragments a day? How are we supposed to recruit him if we only get 14 days (70 fragments). He is listed as a 3 star, but maybe the fragments we get per day is increased.
The game won't die because they get so much of dem sweet $ $ $
The game won't die, they got so much money from fools, they could wipe their mouth with all of it.
The game itself is low budget, it can virtually sustain itself from a single whale. The problem begins when players, low spenders, f2p or players who don't want to compete with the 1% of the 1%, start leaving. Then the game dies, regardless of how much money it makes, because then there would be too few people playing for the majority of the game mechanics to continue working. And eventually even the whales would leave because they would have nobody else to play with.
The problem here is that Oasis keeps cattering to the whales to the detriment of the rest. I was gone for like a year and I remember the game was way more competitive back when it was released in terms of ninjas and gaining power (and honestly it wasn't even all that competitive back then). Sure, in theory there are more "free" stuff now, in practice however the free stuff is useless and the rewards have not moved an inch from where they were a year ago before I quit. For example, you still get the useless Gakido frags from arena when the me
As for this event, I seriously hope Oasis gives more Chiriku frags per day because otherwise it doesn't add up to 80 as some other people here said. And that will mean that again our region gets the short end of the * compared to other regions like Germany or China.
Edit: I just want to say that I have no problem with the whales. They are just playing the game like the rest of us and doing everything possible to outcompete others which is great. They also spend considerable money on the game so they deserve to get their money's worth from it. My only problem is Oasis' policy in running the game.
Make a Kage Medal, wherein the game plays itself. The game should log-in automatically every day for me and collect daily coupons and a certain amount of frags of my choosing so i don't have to wake up and play/look at this game because there's nothing to do. I would pay just to not play this game every day lol
Make a Kage Medal, wherein the game plays itself. The game should log-in automatically every day for me and collect daily coupons and a certain amount of frags of my choosing so i don't have to wake up and play/look at this game because there's nothing to do. I would pay just to not play this game every day lol
That's what the lazy ass will do
Why not make 3v3 last a week longer? Germany gets 3 weeks of it, but we get 2. There better be full 80 frags of Chiriku in this case.
And that * cat... we had it in Myoboku Trial last year. Why not put Guy skillbooks instead? Or, at least the regular Fukurokumaru cat...
I think that we just lost 1 week of event bcs of that bugs we had and thats why last time we had that event 1 day shorter
Make a Kage Medal, wherein the game plays itself. The game should log-in automatically every day for me and collect daily coupons and a certain amount of frags of my choosing so i don't have to wake up and play/look at this game because there's nothing to do. I would pay just to not play this game every day lol
U act like you're forced to play this game.
Why "Jingle bells" outfit in "One Ingot Sale"? Why everyone can't have opportunity to have that Christmas spirit.
In "One Ingots Sale" all items have specific your made by participating redeemable quantity, like last time I saw it was paying your ingots just to get coupons back. If you were first to participate you got it and after some rounds of refreshing it wasn't possible to get it anymore. Will this happen with this clothing as well? And, does that mean in region (for example mine UK) only 100 (example) people can get it if they were first ones to win by participations? It's unfair, let everyone who wants it to get it, not only those who are first ones. Better if it were in Konoha's Great Tree, because I agree with other people opinion, that "One Ingot Sale" is ignored by many players, unless it's gonna be updated and somehow attractive to invest in this event.
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