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[ Events ] Event Cycle - December 13th


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  • Registered: 2018-12-06
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On 2018-12-13 02:57:08Show All Posts
  • Regn On 2018-12-13 02:15:16
  • The game won't die because they get so much of dem sweet $ $ $

    The game won't die, they got so much money from fools, they could wipe their mouth with all of it.

The game itself is low budget, it can virtually sustain itself from a single whale. The problem begins when players, low spenders, f2p or players who don't want to compete with the 1% of the 1%, start leaving. Then the game dies, regardless of how much money it makes, because then there would be too few people playing for the majority of the game mechanics to continue working. And eventually even the whales would leave because they would have nobody else to play with.

The problem here is that Oasis keeps cattering to the whales to the detriment of the rest. I was gone for like a year and I remember the game was way more competitive back when it was released in terms of ninjas and gaining power (and honestly it wasn't even all that competitive back then). Sure, in theory there are more "free" stuff now, in practice however the free stuff is useless and the rewards have not moved an inch from where they were a year ago before I quit. For example, you still get the useless Gakido frags from arena when the meta has been shifted so far ahead that these are practically useless. And let's not get started on the absolutely *ed match-making system of SWB or even Matsuri where unless you're part of the 1% spenders, you're never going to get * from it. And even top spenders have problems getting rewards from it depending on who's on their team (even bigger spenders, for example). It also creates a situation where using the Edo Hiruzen teams are an absolute necessity in order to achieve big winstreaks because there is no competitiveness in SWB.

As for this event, I seriously hope Oasis gives more Chiriku frags per day because otherwise it doesn't add up to 80 as some other people here said. And that will mean that again our region gets the short end of the * compared to other regions like Germany or China.

Edit: I just want to say that I have no problem with the whales. They are just playing the game like the rest of us and doing everything possible to outcompete others which is great. They also spend considerable money on the game so they deserve to get their money's worth from it. My only problem is Oasis' policy in running the game.

This post was last edited by hellodarknessmy on 2018-12-13 03:03:14.
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