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[ News ] S9 is opening!


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-07-26 03:12:54Show All Posts
  • On 2016-07-26 02:44:03
  • If there won't be any EU server till 1 week I'm quitting. Literally, if they can make 9 American servers, why they can't make 1 Europe? I want to spend 50 USD on the Jonin Medal but seems like they don't care about EU players at all...
Setting up A server in Eu takes a while... their company might be in US for example that's why it's taking a while to set up a server for EU plus they have to collect data of the players and such, Stable the servers, solve every problem there is and then launch EU. i wouldn't mind to wait 2 weeks for my server to be bug-free stable server.
So mean while just chill on US servers and learn the game til you have Eu and then you can start stronger than you did before.
Quicky Post

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