Well i cant blame this guy because he always he gets his food cooked by his mommy, but without salt boy everything tastes the same.Same as these sniveling Oasis puppies who only get food from oasis and never complain.
Terrible análogy.
Those "puppies" have quite the voice, especially towards events catered to them.
Believe me, as I am quite active with players that actively support this game.
Why would they voice their opinion with a bunch of radicals on the forum that'll instantly call them "Idiots" simply for spending, or "Plants" just because they choose to support the game?
Reality is, the vocal minority on the forums are toxic, and the majority of them are Free-to-play
But alas, judging from the income of those "Puppies", they're far from getting "cooked food from mommy"
Yea quite a voice...But all bark, no bite.When all the community should be complaining about ,there are guys like this one who dont know the value of the salt in the food ,dear tobei.And believe me this guy is one of them, 3 posts 1 topic and he thinks he has the right to talk about the community.
All bark and no bite?
How so?
You know how much spenders put into the game weekly? Or why certain events like RNG Release Ninjas got switched to Recharge Ninja releases?
Or recharge focused events, became better overall towards spenders? Or even *led freebie ninjas in events because profits have been much better?
But you know for sure, the "voice" indeed.
The OP of this thread has as much right to voice his opinion about the forum Community as the last guy complaining about someone's purchases and decisions in life.
Only as a group they have quite a voice. As individuals they share the same value of interest as anyone else, namely none.
Quite interesting is you're way of describing the indivual groups of players. Just because there a players, who are not supporting the game or at least not as "actively" - as what ever that means - or tend to be radical with their opinion, doesn't decrease their voice value. It's you're capitalistic way that decreases their value, but every game nowadays needs a healthy amount of those players. Sadly every Server in NO tends to lose those players in the first few weeks, which leads to new Servers every week. That is and will never be a healthy way for any given game. Those radicals or vocal minority is the major ba
But well, keep on with your opinion, it seems to fit you quite well.
And it's quite the group they are.
They're not individually speaking, I have a discord channel especially catered to that center portion of the community that would want to voice concerns and more directly to me,
And "Activity" was quite obvious, in terms of the events that are catered to them, meaning recharging and what they would personally like to see.
And it's absolutely a "capitalistic " viewpoint. There's nothing wrong with it. (Viewpoints differ depending on the person) because since the start of this game, there have been events catered to once section of the population. This game is a business overall, and margin % matters. And I agree with you about server health. However that's far beyond my reach or control of what I'm capable of doing (Moderation team overall)
And in my educated opinion, you're far wrong about the radical portion. I specifically meant the forums and I'll * to that opinion. They're not the major ba
But thank you for the conversation.
Yep. I do know better than you about those set results.
Outfit returned in Lucky Board, success right?
Recharge Ninjas have a high success rate as well.
All these aren't exclusive overall. They eventually come back as a redeemable.
Just as Madara will.
Opinions are a wonderful thing, Keep voicing em.
if so why translations not fixed? Its 1 of many other crap that should be fixed.
Falls under the same principle of why servers are consistently being released.
There are things the Moderation team aren't able to control. Bug fixtures and translation additions are included.
I wouldn't have a private doc having the entire cast of characters with fixture desc
Im not triggered or something,little bit salty,yes,but i try to keep it down.And trying to get Oasis sugestions is lost cause for me.Take plates for example,ppl was very vocal about kid Kakashi,and what we get?Kid Kakashi in 2 plates events,and tell me honestly,do you will be suprised if you see it in next plates?As for OP,I only reply becouse Im part of this community,and simply dont like the way he describe it.I meet ppl who help me in this forum,who make me laught,who share same passion towards this game as me.
Kid Kakashi has been a rerun in Great Plates because there's still quite a voice for earlier servers whom aren't merged, to get him
Considering that his character isn't farmable through the Scroll system yet, Great Plates have been that exact alternative.
A lot of the complaints on the forums is "What have you done for me recently?" instead of the overall picture. The "why" behind certain events.
He's been in Great Plates an overall total of 3 times.
Changes aren't done overnight.
People have been asking for Kid Kakashi to be put in other events where people are not forced to get his frags, like fishing mania or time limited ninja recruitment (the one with keys), and this also will benefit people who need him as they won't have to rely on rng. Have Oasis listened? I don't see it.
Also, 3 times is more than enough. It is not like Oasis needs months to change the content of an event if they wanted.
And this is exactly why it falls back to my previous comment on "What have you done for me recently"
No, nobody is asking for Time-Limited Kakashi, Fishing Mania is quite small in comparison.
The other area is Myoboku Sign-In and unironically, Lucky Board. But we swayed from those areas for better-received rewards.
You're not the face or majority voice of the people to dictate where and what players are looking for.
Also, it wasn't till it's the third appearance that feedback has actually swayed differently from Kid Kakashi being on the great plate.
As I said, Forums aren't the majority, there's a large ocean of players.
The majority of players have him already from merge. There is no reason for any of them to ask for him in events.
Those who need him, even if 100% of them want him in great plates, are still a minority.
That being said I've seen far more people complaining about him in great plates than people who ask for him.
Much better take then your previous one.
And yes, I'd agree.
Welcome to the universal online community that enjoys to Kek, Meme and spam.
Also, that's quite the dangerous bet you would endure. Considering the sheer numbers LoL has. You would lose in a heartbeat.
yes, numbers, since it's a free to play game right, but i would still bet my money on it, there's only a handful of players in the forum that i actually respect considering their posts along the years, people that have been consistent over the time spent in this game, rest since it's online banther, i always assume the worst in a person, same can be applied to anyone about me, with that said, i assume most of the updates happen in discord(which i barely use outside of work related stuff), which is a shame, cuz u still got people that prefer to use the forums such as me, and mostly everyone else that choosen to use the forums over discord(cuz they cant or they wont).
P.S: You cant guarantee me that discord is toxic free btw. Prove me wrong.
and you would again be wrong.
The numbers aren't close. And the LoL community is the sheer force it is, generates more toxicity because no gaming community is pure.
There's toxicity everywhere.
But none other than LoL since it's well known to be full of Kek, Memers and of course, spammers. (Just check Reddit)
And nice final question, there are no guarantees because there's no such thing as a Toxic-Free environment
People are mostly outraged because they gave an exclusive ninja to P2W....like with hiruzen recharge and hanna style recharge(was too pricey tho) AKA some people are paying and getting exclusive content and we are mad about it(give it to me free * it.lol). That being said, price is too high for Madara... even for most paying players(I really don't care for him personally).
As for kid kakashi, you guys could try selling it for 50-250 ingots or 500-1000 coupons.I mean, a person who has minato can afford it. Well it is upto even planners and not for mods so IDK.
Interesting choice of words "Exclusive"
Day 1 Exclusive, correct however that term is barring the exception that these items come back, and normally come back in a wide range for the entire playerba
There's honestly, hardly any exclusiveness in Naruto-Online (Fact Check it all you want)
Hiruzen came back into the Great Tree, then Lucky Board, then Lucky Wheel redeems, etc.
Hana Style outfit came back in Lucky Board (Which was quite successful fyi)
So again, exclusive now isn't the term that's accurate. And frankly, this game is a game of patience. Releasing first week limited content for the specific portion of the population that wants to buy it, isn't wrong. It's just how and what event it's released on that matters. Which is the gauge of opinion that differs between a lot of F2P on the forums and actual low spenders/paying players.
Also, that general assumption that Jonin Minato owners can afford it
Just saying.
Hierarchy of information plus information on future featured content.
Most of those additional sections became null the moment Ninja Scrolls/Moon-Sun Shop came out.
Tencent will not re-code specific areas, knowing Kakashi will be added into the scroll later. Regardless of our requests for it. (Which already has been made long before Kakashi was in Great Plates)
So, are we aware? Of course, moderators are players too fyi.
Yes, except that you play the game of the whales and not the game of the common players, given the abnormal quantity of coupons you own by doing your job.
I'm not saying is wrong you get this wage, but doesn't make you feel what the common player feels.
I just look at you all and i see only people with 250k+ accounts. Something that put you all in top16 in your respective bracket.
How may you know what a 120-150k f2p player feels?
P. S. I don't see what is the li
My outlook of the game is of a whale because regardless of my Moderation earning, I've spent quite a large number of my own money into the game.
And of course, that's why there's a range of team that's suppose to provide different viewpoints of how players view spending on reports received.
I'm only typing in this thread ba
", since they already have their hands and feet tied by tencent's content of patches and such, that everything we said was for nothing"
While I agree to a point, let me put it in this way, which is quite unpopular by the way.
What if that Feedback post wasn't about if the content would arrive or not, but if it should come now or later?
Which by the way, served its propose.
Moderators only receive salary as compensation for the work we do.
Watching videos and taking it as absolute facts and adding the assumption that it's "moderators"
You have your truth, and there's absolutely nothing I can say to change that.
There's not gonna be a discussion on that matter when it's entirely ba
If you want to discuss it openly, feel free to hop on discord.
The double jab is a funny thing.
Doing the exact thing you've said, would echo back to what this thread was open on.
contradictory actions, and thus the salt would be unlimited
Don't forget you need compensation for what you are doing. We don't know if people that work for Oasis are paid in real money only, game currency/ninjas only or a combination of both and I don't expect them to tell how they are compensated.
Salary = Coupons.
It's public knowledge.
As for how much? That's undisclosed.
Unfortunately for you, its no longer undisclosed. Senbon released that info in his latest video. I'm certain you will either just ignore/delete this this post or attack his credibility (as you just did with the video of a Mod account getting *ed (which exposed the fact that they had a blatant unfair advantage while actively competing with REAL players), just as Oasis did with Aristeus, etc....via saying its one-sided while refusing to put up the other side of the argument). Every time something major like that has happened, it was suppressed via 1984 style and swept under the rug until people went back to sleep and forgot about it.
Sorry, you don't get to use the, "It is just a one-sided account" while REFUSING to even bring YOUR SIDE (Oasis, not yours) to the table.
List of things that were forgotten: (there are many more examples, but these stand out the most)
Aristeus video disclosing the fact that he spun lucky stars wheel for max every single day and no jackpot.....coming to the conclusion that it was 0% drop rate.
Ingot only wheel of fortune where people got screwed out of their respective jackpots on the coupons that they could earn (still videos out there of this on youtube). Turns out it glitched and people were spending ingots like crazy to stay on top, then Oasis fixed it and essentially reset the jackpot counts.....thus people spent $1000s and got nowhere near what they were promised.
Flowers event (not once, but twice!! Unacceptable and people should have been fired for this) where people weren't properly told that this was a cross server event AND combined with the fact that the listings ONLY displayed their server....so those that spend $300 to get top spot were sorely mistaken thus they lost money they never would have spent.
The itachi susanno bug where people in yet ANOTHER flower event were able to get the jackpot prize immediately bu just simply placing first, but before the event actually ended. The reason why I mention this is because this is proof that OASIS HAS THE ABILITY TO ADJUST AND IMMEDIATELY FIX issues similar to this. Almost instantly when people were recruiting Itachi, they took it offline and reverted everyone that had gotten him. After all, he was (still is?) a 150k ninja or more if you were to buy the seal scrolls outright. Which brings me to the.....
Foodsacks event where the majority of the people were able to benefit from cheaper ninjas/power (by over 50%) and dirt cheep redeems on Cloak/suit sakura/sasuke. All throughout the week, Oasis claimed they couldn't do anything to revert it back....essentially LIED saying it was always 20 coupons per sack (wrong, it was 10 since introduction) even though they literally hotfixed the price and adjusted it real time without taking the servers offline. If that wasn't enough, the people that actually did redeem for cheap purification runes lost out when they reverted the packs back....at a very capped rate.
Starting to see a pattern here when it comes to what Oasis is mostly concerned about......(Hint, it isn't satisfying OR protecting the players)
While GLs get a 1500 bi-weekly salary, its amazing (and disheartening) to learn that the higher ups (included but not limited to mods gl hiring, etc) can make upwards of 16,000 coupons every two weeks (via doing extra "work" for Oasis). When you are given that for essentially little work AND combine that with the fact that you are essentially competing with people who play this game, that is pretty unfair. And please, don't compare this to someone getting a job and spending their real money on this game. It isn't the same, not by a long shot. People work 35 hours an average per week. 6-8 hours per day. They spend $100 for 5,000 ingots.....vs a couple hours a week for 8k coupons? Give me a break.
I also am amused at your example of Oasis listening to players....when it comes to PAYING players....even though I'm almost certain that they never asked to be milked THIS hard just in time for Christmas. Better to get paid that to give to the players no doubt.
What about skill experiments?
What about RNG rates that by law you are supposed to provide now? (Don't give me the rhetoric of that is china, etc. because you certainly buckled when it came to sailor sakura and playboy sasuke)
How about the mood scrolls in the Group Wheel?
People's concern about releasing all the new ninjas every week?
And most hilariously: What about peoples illusion of choice on CROSS SERVER SAGE WORLD? Remember when people were given a poll as to what they wanted....and they overwhelmingly were against it? I know you were there for that. But Oasis and friends went ahead and did it anyways.
The point is, you (not you specifically, Oasis) DOES NOT LISTEN to their community the majority of the time. I believe it is safe to say that 15% of the time they listen....14% of the time its for the spenders and 1% of the time its for everyone else. You can be slick and say, "Well on our discord they say blah blah blah ad nausem..." but this is supposed to be the OFFICIAL FORUMS of this game.....and you are opening saying that opinions here have less weight vs discord? Why even bother asking us for feedback on here then? Why post ANY content here?
You can (and will) defend Oasis until this game closes, that is because you have a vested interested in this game in the thousands of coupons they give you per month. That alone is enough to skew anyone's view and ultimately become biased (there are many ways that bias can take form, simply because you [specifically] aren't displaying it in one form doesn't mean you are in other aspects).
The only reason why they pay you in coupons and not in real money is to cir*vent the law that would force you to admit that you are paid by the company every time you give an opinion. That and hiring literal minors to do work. Can't really call yourself an employee or representative if you never signed a contract or anything of the sort.
Final thought.....why is it that everyone who seems to "work" for Oasis and then leave, they are always 'jaded' or frustrated? Just strange, is all....
Quite the jarring post.
Expected to be completely honest.
Also, side note. Senbon (Jiraiya) is my personal friend and I'm having quite the laugh with the information and rambling in his latest video.
And no, don't be certain about an action that clearly I'm replying too. So let me again, state. My salary is undisclosed. There's public information and hearsay by others, if you believe it, so be it. GL salary, for example, has been commonfolk. You think Senbons video is shining light on it? Stop.
As for your entire second paragraph.
I actually agree. Higher staff should be receiving more because of the hours we put into our considered assignments.
So I wouldn't dare compare my actual living wage. But thanks though. Also for your next sentence, I'll quote myself.
"My outlook of the game is of a whale because regardless of my Moderation earning, I've spent quite a large number of my own money into the game.
And of course, that's why there's a range of team that's suppose to provide different viewpoints of how players view spending on reports received.
I'm only typing in this thread ba
Take it from what you will.
What about skill experiments?
Incoming in future updates.
What about RNG rates that by law you are supposed to provide now? (Don't give me the rhetoric of that is china, etc. because you certainly buckled when it came to sailor sakura and playboy sasuke):
That rhetoric that actually applies. Sakura and Playboy Sasuke are completely and utterly due to license issues.
How about the mood scrolls in the Group Wheel?
Were never meant to be in the group wheel in the first place, However, Tencent decided to change the plans (Due to 3.0) when Oasis(+Staff) pushed for Mood scrolls. This has been repeated, over and over again. A simple Discord search or Forum search will find it.
People's concern about releasing all the new ninjas every week?
That's my concern as well. And has been pushed again.
And most hilariously: What about peoples illusion of choice on CROSS SERVER SAGE WORLD? Remember when people were given a poll as to what they wanted....and they overwhelmingly were against it? I know you were there for that. But Oasis and friends went ahead and did it anyways.
Badly titled post that mislead people into thinking one thing over another.
Slick Tobias says Discord because well, Discord is the freest form where you get direct argument, discussion and disagreements from me and allows me to easily reply back without a tedious wait due to the forums, Majority of the time, the lovely posters that are extremely negative, can't create defenses or debates without watching a video to determine their emotional mindset and/or original thought.
As for the matter of me defending Oasis? I will if it's just in certain aspects, if not they'll hear it the loudest from me.
Oh, and my actual earning being spent into the game is what gives me the honorable right to critic them at its core.
But thank you for your opinion and gestures.
Edit: Didn't see your edit, will comment on additional comments at a later time.
"Believe what you will"
I stand by that because I'm not here to convince you differently, I'll say my side and finish at that.
You have the liberty to express your experiences and your rhetoric as openly as you want.
As for the Mood Scroll,
Yes, you're entirely right. A promise is a promise. And there's no denying that it was broken, thus lied upon.
We tried and stated that it would be something that would be coming back, we tried fighting for it but denied due to Tencent, I've explained it to people multiple times throughout the forums and discord. That hasn't changed.
As you say "it side-steps"
No, there's a multitude of people that refuse to use the forums because of this community.
Discord is a better form of communication. It's *ternative option and one that is vastly more expressive with fewer restrictions
Honestly dude you really need to start posting from a non-mod account or something, your comments are seriously unprofessional and im honestly kind of surprised no one has stepped in and said something. A forum mod calling f2p toxic salty and whiny and openly admitting to spending time with whales and listening to their opinions privately on matters is the wildest thing ive ever seen a forum mod post
Meme thread with an open dialog with a moderator. And yet professionalism is required?
My job is handling players issues via Customer Service on the Forums + Discord. But I'm a player first.
If I were to remain professional at all times, Honestly would be deluded because let's face reality, half the things I've said on this thread isn't something you would see normally.
So to be surprised? Sure but to ask for professionalism is on another level.
My opinions will remain as such because that's honestly. However, I respect others within this thread that has engaged in a dialog, even if it ended in disagreement because that's how it should be. Not just rhetoric hatred and "lol $ tag" threads.
Also, if my posts have been the wildest thing a forum mod do, then I'm shocked
Anyway, I'm through replying outright on this thread. It's spiraled completely from a joke thread to a practical Q&A section (Which I didn't mind)
But now, it's devolving to something else.
Great talking to some of y'all.
Tobei replied to my reply and i deliberately talked about only group shop and monthly event.
His reply was that was not possible for oasis to modify most of them since grocery store opened.
After two days a modification of group shop happens, so was evidently possible.
My reply was focusing on this
"Are you guys aware that feature exists in the game and is wholly useless and outdated or not? Sometimes i wonder if you actually think only hot topics events exist."
Please, it was in reference to Kakashi Boy's fragments.
Group Summon packs are something that frankly was there long before anything in 5.0.
So it was quite awkward for Tencent to let us have it now than before.
Also, "Most of those additional sections"
Good thing that references most, and not all
Once again, I'm only gonna reply this time. It's impossible for me to have a civil discourse without having ill merit replies that completely derail the conversation.
Mood Scrolls, as even a 2x in Great Plates has been something I've personally pushed before, hasn't happened.
Next core meeting, I'll do it again because frankly, that's something everyone wants.
And no, I will not answer the additional question you added because that's not for me say nor for people to misconstrue.
I've openly answered quite a lot, truthfully in this thread and already people twisted a few of my words.
And here's an example of that.
Let me illustrate,
"And of course, that's why there's a range of team that's suppose to provide different viewpoints of how players view spending on reports received."
I'm only typing in this thread ba
Each staff members focuses on their respective reports, we address and voice our suggestions, so-on.
You don't have to believe anything I'm saying, but I'll state the core obviously.
I see a lot on Discord and on the Forums, as I agree with some
But because I disagree with others, doesn't mean I'm not listening.
The staff (moderators) are Y'all. If they don't listen to the players, then our jobs are useless.
You're not the only voice of the community, there's a multitude of people who express different opinions, and thus allow us to have a dialog within the staff to best course release content. But that's not all. Oasis gets that and pushes upwards, and from there it's a hierarchy of issues with Tencent, and what their vision for certain updates, etc.
If you still refuse to see it in that aspect, then there's absolutely nothing I can help you with.
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