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[ Lineup ] Sasuke [Rinne Sharingan] Lineups


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-12-01 21:11:20Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hey guys!

A new pretty strong ninja has arrived so let's talk about it



Mystery: So suppressing super armor is nice as always and can be useful for sure, and the explosive mode gain same as Naruto six paths (although Sasuke has a different bonus)

Standard Attack: Probably my favorite skill of his, the animation is so nice and it's a good type of standard attack, has a lot of potential

Chase: Typical Uchiha 3 rounds ignite chase

Passive: So this is the most important skill of this ninja and what makes him quite unique, sadly though it won't be so useful vs passively immune ninjas, but still the chakra drain could cause problems to some enemy teams

Passive 2: Typical super armor which is great always, his explosive mode is a blitz type of buff which only gives him more crit chance and additional attack

Overall he is a pretty good ninja and I'd say he works the best with Fire and Lightning mains, but of course the other mains can be used also

Also take a lot at his tags, he can be buffed by A LOT of different types of buffs which is a great bonus to have.

I tried to put a lot of variety into the lineups below, so you guys can get a good idea how you could use him

1. Fire Main 1

Screenshot_1 (2)

Screenshot_2 (2)Screenshot_3

Starting off with a blitz type of team

Good amount of buffs, round 2 being able to use all mysteries and doing a huge amount of damage (although problem is surviving round 1 safely)

Also keep in mind the cooldown refresh capability from Fire Main buff (you could also use Ninjutsu Urge)

2. Fire Main 2



Now leaning a bit toward the no-buff-cancer side

He c*so be used this way, Water Main works with this team also

Why is this good in any way ? well his chaos passive is great and this way you can remove all your potential enemy immunity buffs

3. Fire Main 3



Again a bit more offensive type of team that includes un-dodgeable mystery and chakra drain from mystery thru Kisame chase.

Again potential of refreshing the Sasuke mystery cooldown thru Fire Main buff

4. Lightning Main



Same team as the team above but with Lightning Main this time around

Also has refreshing mystery potential, but this time it's Root of Warrior immunity which is a great combination with his super armor passive

Enemies also won't be able to counter your Root of Warrior easily if you are faster in initiative in your pos2 Shark Kisame

5. Lightning Main 2



Now this team is not so safe, it's again a pure damage type of blitz more for round 2 damage

Depending on your enemy it could work

6. Earth Main



A lot of damage round 1 and round 2 both from this team and it's safer than the usual blitzy teams because you can interrupt your enemy 5 kage madara/shark kisame for example thru Susano Itachi mystery (he could also be position 1)

That's all for now, hope you guys liked it and that it inspired you for a team at least

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-12-01 23:02:24Show All Posts

No worries I am sure he will be redeem-able soon also

Yeah he has no control except for his passive sadly :/

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-12-04 19:49:40Show All Posts
  • HOKAGE火 On 2018-12-02 08:01:01
  • Yo I like your lineups. But would like to know if sasuke rinnesharingan, shisui, masked man and fire main is good. Got shisui and masked man and I'm saving for when he becomes redeemable. 18k coupons to go Hopefully get madara from GNW treasure

Yeah that team can work for sure, it's pretty nice

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-12-04 19:51:45Show All Posts


I'm not sure if you are trying to insult my knowledge of the language or just don't like the way I phrased it

I'm not writing a novel here, it's aimed for players to read thru quickly and it's casual

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-12-06 05:03:05Show All Posts
  • BakaCirnoBaka On 2018-12-05 21:34:46
  • Icey, i was wondering what if a build consisted around either masked man or kushina, to stop super armor from using mysteries.

Yeah those ninjas can definitely work together with this Sasuke

And to answer on another question above, I'd say Six Paths Naruto would be a more useful investment overall

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-12-07 04:51:53Show All Posts

I did answer your question o.O

Quicky Post

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