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[ Events ] 3v3 Arena


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  • Registered: 2018-09-19
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On 2018-12-03 09:13:22Show All Posts
  • Tiami On 2018-12-02 17:47:55
  • Don't be over dramatic here, dude. They never said it will be every month but mentioned it will have "seasons" like zenith or space-time, sort of. Maybe it just need a fix or will start next week? Don't assume it just got deleted for good- unless it will be gone for next months too, then I guess yep. Doubt tho.

    As long as it's one of my favs modes in this game, I rather wait even until next month for it to come back- as long as that issue with delay would get fixed, because that's only thing that I hate about it.

    Having a hope here, prolly too high, but we will see~

having it while it has bugs is better than nothing. We can still get moon coins easily. If oasis want to fix the bugs, oasis doesnt need to remove the feature since are the one who get that loss

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