Views: 2441 | Replies: 7
[ Events ] Update the Activity Luck Bag!!!


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On 2018-12-01 03:54:19Show All Posts
  • Waka_Man On 2018-12-01 03:22:00
  • This topic has been talked many times before, the primary target of this event is not specific players but all players that plays the game .. from lowest to highest level of players .. Newbies can benefit from gaining power-up items and items required for refining and upgrading their things or ninjas .. while old players c*so benefit from Level2 magatamas .. It is fair for everybody so there's nothing about it .. It even drops Medium Threads and Refines now .. Advance Refines, yeah, we have tons of options for getting it .. Remember, we're only having this "its hard to farm this that" cuz the level of our things is already high .. can't explain it but if you have logic, you'll get it ..

They can just drop it as an optional refines pack instead of giving basic refines/med refines. Drop fewer rewards, but make them more useful.

Quicky Post

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