No no no no no, making him 150000 ingots and then making him 40k would make the people who spent for him this month go flipping mad.
Also, has Madara resurfaced since May when he first appeared in the CN version?
Yeah he has but he's not redeemable in China though - only been in events just like ino flowers. His price is lower compared to here which is minimum 30k. Amber got him at 56k - whether you still think that is too high for him is a different story.
They will probably won't put him in that rebate at that same price as no one else besides the first people that will buy it in December will buy it. We just have to wait after December to see if Oasis will be the same as China and make it hard to get Madara or even allow to be able to redeem.
just because Daiske is saying he's is a "very special ninja and is not supposed to be obtainable that easy", its not actually mean he cant be in redeemable/cp events . it most likely mean he won't be a 20k ninja like everyone else.
just because Daiske is saying he's is a "very special ninja and is not supposed to be obtainable that easy", its not actually mean he cant be in redeemable/cp events . it most likely mean he won't be a 20k ninja like everyone else.
I'm just pointing out what China is doing and how they are making Madara exclusive. If Oasis does the exact same way as how China is doing, this means redeemables won't happen. And for anyone who says "but Oasis says we don't follow China" - do you expect them to be more generous than China which is the issue you should know. In terms of prices for first releases and in me
gotta copy-paste my own comment from the other thread...
the problem is more then "hur hur madara 3k" the problem is that they fk us at every corner... we have almost all the ninjas from china but half of the features... how's that for being fair? every time they go higher in price they test waters... if no one complains they go higher next one... so for people who say "doesn't matter for me" and "go whale go" and things like "stop complaining" well... wake the fk up, if you say nothing don't complain in near future when the game will be unplayable for "normal user" and be only for "whales", ever heard of LOA2? they added on everything a higher tire only for paid users (everything.. from gear to pets) and surprise surprise... they had to make LOA3 cuz everyone but a handful of players quit the game... cuz "let them do whatever they want" ...
First. While yes, you can space them out and it's completely optional WHO in their right mind would spend THAT amount of money on a game that's full of misspellings and bugs? If you do spend on this you're just rewarding incompetence, in fact WE as players are the incompetent ones. We keep spending and showing our support by filling surveys and do we get in return? Nothing. Just more ignorance. Most people should have left this game on March 25th 2017, i should have too to be honest but i wanted to believe.
Second. How exactly? There's no way to know that. The way Daiske phrased it was "Madara is a very special ninja and is not supposed to be obtainable that easy". He won't be redeemable in the future, no way, nada. What's the point in calling him that if he's in a redeemable event in the future omegalul. It's beyond * if he's obtainable for 150000 ingots one month and the next a much lower price. And even IF his price would be unchanged there's NO event in this game that's worth sinking 150000 ingots into.
I really dont know how they made Madara this big of a deal! I mean hes nothing if you break his immunity with guy( six gates ) tbh! I think someone else like shisui or ay 3rd is way better!
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