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  • Registered: 2018-08-17
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On 2018-11-29 04:35:03Show All Posts

You get to keep the ingots. So, he is basically a free ninja.

  • Registered: 2018-08-17
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On 2018-11-29 16:53:42Show All Posts

The Whales, have enough money to spend on those other things you would spend it on as well.

  • Registered: 2018-08-17
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On 2018-11-29 17:18:24Show All Posts

NO is not really a gambling house. Those who become addicted to the gambling factor don't get satisfied in this game (and I am not talking about bad odds - but about how everything is behind some kind of number range like ~1050 pulls in treasure). You will find most of them in Gatcha games or on actual gambling sites.

Are there some gamblers on this site? Sure.

There probably also are unemployed people playing Arena 12 hours a day unable to pay their rent, getting their only dopamine-dose from this game. But, as for the Whales addicted to the "gambling"-element in this game, it's a waste minority.

  • Registered: 2018-08-17
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On 2018-11-30 06:45:37Show All Posts
  • John Calvin On 2018-11-30 00:46:39
  • Ah, i heard and read online that Oasis had Admin accounts running around fully decked out with all the best characters to entice people to spend money on this game. Is that true? People found out about it, and Oasis got blasted.

Similar games did this quite a while ago. I doubt it is still practiced. It would make no sense. Once Browser-Games figured out that they can open new servers every week this practice pretty much vanished. The guy from Server 50 is in no competition with the guy from server 900. Therefore he cannot motivate the play to buy anything really.

  • Registered: 2018-08-17
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On 2018-11-30 14:40:21Show All Posts

LoA2' biggest problem was, that you could do nothing in the game... everything was auto-fight / auto-play. But yes. People who think NO is overpriced should give LoA2 (or LoA3) a try. Whales their drop on a daily basis, what people here drop in a week. If a heavy fight about who gets first in a ty* errupts, people are easily gonna put down 600-1000 in the last hour of the event.

After 2 weeks in the LoA forum, you also will miss the mods from NO. Not really anyone around except for that one "Support" who copy pastes the same line in every thread.

  • Registered: 2018-08-17
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On 2018-11-30 19:03:03Show All Posts
  • Steve Carry On 2018-11-30 18:54:52
  • Yeah, some people seems to not understand that the problem is the unhealthy business practice. But hey, I never spent money here, what do I know.

Which is unhealthy practice too. If nobody spent, the game would be shut down. Yet, somehow, in their own wired mind, f2p think they are the moral authority in the online gaming world.

Personally, I believe most people here just protest, because they are cringy. It makes no sense protesting this business practice. Madara is not a game-breaking hyper-ninja which will destroy anyone.

Low-Casher and No-Casher should protest systems which grant much more power (like the 5 Chakra-Nature, in which one can easily sink 100k+). Because that really breaks the game and widens the gap. Yet the outrage about the Sakura (Cloak) mistake was 20 times the outrage over the new system, which will put you all far behind.

  • Registered: 2018-08-17
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On 2018-11-30 21:22:53Show All Posts
  • The_X On 2018-11-30 20:52:43
  • "f2p think they are the moral authority in the online gaming world."

    you don't understand one MAJOR thing... the f2p player can be as important as any whale, why you ask? simple.. he c*ways turn into a whale, you look at the problem from a player point of view, but try to look from a company point of view... every f2p can be a possible casher, but if you go and scare them or make them outright quit.. then you should realize you done goof...

They are aware of that. Which is why you see no-cashers getting a lot more "luck" than low-cashers in the RNG events. However, most of the leechers, stay just that: leechers.

Quicky Post

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