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[ Events ] Boy lost in Flames and Power of the Sage: Event Cycle - 29th of November


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-28 22:50:35Show All Posts

What they've done with Ten-Tails Madara just sets bad precedent and leads to questions that there could be reasons other than greed that resulted in that price. Even if I'm a whale in this position with the money to burn, I'm not spending here. Further, if this is successful in terms of sales, you can expect it to keep happening. My stance is speak with your wallet; the ninja is good but he's not three thousand dollars good. There are better ones and refuse this over the hill price gauge that isn't even justified. You guys do you though.

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On 2018-11-29 01:38:33Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2018-11-29 01:29:40
  • Issue is that money speaks louder than words. It will be a success for Oasis if whales go get him and that's what Oasis will care about it. That's what a luxury item is meant to be - not everyone will be able to get it.

That's the rub, isn't it? I wouldn't see this as beneficial for whales because it sets the line Oasis can keep doing this. Granted if they don't have to care by all means, but to enable this just gives the impression it can continue to be done. They'll speak with their wallets one way or the other; we'll see what comes of it.

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On 2018-11-29 06:52:29Show All Posts
  • NarukamiYuu On 2018-11-29 06:44:12
  • Oh I didn't even see the price tag.... WHAT THE FLYING FCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? A single character in a browser game for 3K? God you can get 50 games at $60 each, you guys def got a few screws loose

They know exactly what they're doing. It's basically testing the waters to see how much they can get away with and how people will react along to what extent. The ideal time to do so is around the holidays because people are more inclined to spend to maximize profits and they'll get reasonably valid information. If this performs poorly in spite of the said time frame, then this practice will likely be shelved and come back in around six months or so. Businesses do this all the time, they like to push the limits like a child you've told no and if you don't punish them for it they'll think they can get away with it. Basically the whales they're trying to appeal to will dictate whether this becomes a common practice by speaking with their wallets and those not inclined to take part in these recharges at all given the numbers of said players do add up.

This post was last edited by Brian Eighties on 2018-11-29 06:54:21.
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