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[ Events ] Boy lost in Flames and Power of the Sage: Event Cycle - 29th of November


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On 2018-11-28 23:00:28Show All Posts

Before people go complain about the price of Madara, you should check how he was released in China. Not only was he in ino flowers, where you need to hit a minimum amount of ingots spent to be on the rankings, you had to be 1st to get him and many people were over 100k points - might be wise for someone to check the Chinese YouTubers that have Madara to see the actual points. I'll update this post to see if people on China on average spent more than $3000 on him unless someone else beats me to it.

Either way he had to be the expensive ninja from that point on of the game and it made a precedent for Oasis to do the same move. Madara is not an easy ninja to get in China due to this reason.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2018-11-28 23:08:46.
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On 2018-11-29 01:16:53Show All Posts
  • TotallyNotKuram On 2018-11-28 23:08:38
  • But as it has been stated many times already, we're not CN version

So? That doesn't mean you should think Oasis will be generous compared to China. I have yet to see a 1st ninja/item to be cheaper on our server than China. It's also almost equal or more expensive.

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On 2018-11-29 01:26:41Show All Posts
  • GreatOne On 2018-11-28 23:39:12

Explain to me without raging how I am supporting them? All I am doing is trying to know the average price of Madara in China and see it is close to here. From what I see, Oasis have never gave a 1st release of a ninja/item to be cheaper in China. Madara is not easy to get in China and I don't think Oasis will make it easy as well.

If you don't understand what I'm saying, at least you made it easy to make you look like you are just raging without cause.

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On 2018-11-29 01:29:40Show All Posts
  • ............... On 2018-11-29 01:19:33
  • Its a game with the sole premise of gathering characters and making your own teams, criticizing the company for handling the base mechanics of a game so badly and ignoring their player base for so long is understandable, no ?

    In an ideal world oasis would pay attention and learn from past mistakes, they'd atleast try to keep the players happy and coming back and they'd consistently be earning money. Instead, continuing to do what they what, making choices completely ignoring all logic and actively doing everything in their power to ignore the people keeping their company going and then wondering why the forums are filled with complaints is an extremely poor way to handle running an MMO. I can understand peoples frustration at this point

Issue is that money speaks louder than words. It will be a success for Oasis if whales go get him and that's what Oasis will care about it. That's what a luxury item is meant to be - not everyone will be able to get it.

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On 2018-11-29 02:03:20Show All Posts
  • ............... On 2018-11-29 01:34:48
  • Yeah, I dont doubt that, didn't intend to start anything. Was just replying to that guy, whether you are annoyed at these events or couldn't care less, there's still an understandable reason behind the reactions so far

On the surface, yes. However, I think the majority of the responses I saw don't know how hard it is to get Madara in China and just assumed the typical "I can piece him with my coupons/ingots" - I thought that too until I saw how many events he was in that I was not able to do so.

It's been stated that not everyone will get him and if people are upset with this, would you assume Oasis would be different than China? Just because you aren't willing to spend that much, someone out there can. I'm not willing to spend $1000 on chicken wings but some are - search golden chicken wings in NYC if you don't get the reference.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2018-11-29 02:07:00.
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On 2018-11-29 04:54:13Show All Posts
  • UchihaShay On 2018-11-29 02:45:05
  • thing is dude, in the west ya know heavily p2w games are mostly hated cuz of that, the pricing on stuff you buy ingame, or market, and it will never be accepted as it is in china or mostly asia, we have a different approach, i can say with 100% certainty that practices on china regarding this game, are not accepted here, and people will * on it regardless, ofc you cant make everyone happy in a game, but what i see here, it's oasis trying to kick off the rest of the low spenders and mid spenders but giving something they cant deliver, im pretty sure they'll have a horrible week of events, and not everyone is gonna spend towards the goal of 150k ingots(3000 euros), then there's others who spend for the hell of it, cuz they can, do i blame them? yeah partially, cuz ur telling oasis in a way, "it's okay, i like these events, so im spending on them".

Most games that I played that originated from Asia (don't forget games from Japan/South Korea have the relatively same game model as China) and get an global release tend to be what you pointed. Of course, there are rare gems where they actually are fair to all players. It's trying to differentiate which games are cash cows can be hard if you like to play a certain game but it caters heavily to whales - i.e. getting in-game currency freely is very hard in relation to how fast they add stuff + high prices.

However, whales and other spenders do make it hard to convince game companies to change their game models if both models work fine in global vs. Asia relative to want they believe which market is willing to pay. If our market says we aren't willing to pay it, game companies are more willing to change.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2018-11-29 05:09:02.
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On 2018-11-29 05:40:07Show All Posts
  • Matilda83 On 2018-11-29 05:18:30
  • How about Christmas Sakura and Christmas Karin? They were in team Ninja Exams and I am expecting you releasing them for Christmas but if it isn't going to happen then why to put them to team Ninja exams then?

We still have 3 more weeks before Christmas so they can add the Christmas outfit and ninjas unless they want to add it on the week of 27th.

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On 2018-11-29 06:21:50Show All Posts
  • Zathroth On 2018-11-29 06:04:23
  • You know whats the best part is? Im almost sure there's not a single person in this thread that could be considered "a whale" which complained. This event is dedicated only, ONLY towards people who max recharge anyway every week and there are some (not many) but there are those. And for them this event is good, since they would recharge 4x30k anyway, perhaps more if recharge event was higher. This way they get all the benefits of madara bankdraining experience on top of their usual rewards throughout the month.

    I would understand such disappointment and outroar if madara showed up as a cp redeemable priced at 1000 per frag which would be ridiculously insane. But he's not (yet). There will be time for that. This event isnt meant to be used by ftps or low spenders who literally never cap regular recharge rebates.

People don't like to be excluded especially from things they want.

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On 2018-11-29 06:25:08Show All Posts
  • GWhillikers On 2018-11-29 06:19:41
  • The fact is because our name in the forums and our name in gam can and in my case are different you don't know who are and are not whales..... I'm actually considered by many a "whale" and have been since the games release on my server. Most ppl are more concerned about the 150K stored ingots and the other prizes more than the ninja (price is still ridiculous). That will create a competition gap that this game hasn't seen. Also, it will create a path downward that this game can not afford. We are already at the point were we need constant merges to keep playing. And even though I have poured THOUSANDS into this game I am seriously thinking of quitting as are a lot of friends that I have made on this game.

But if the intention for only Madara to be given to those that are willing to pay that much in December then that's the intention. If you aren't willing to spend that much on Madara, someone might. If that happens, Oasis got what they wanted to make Madara as an exclusive ninja.

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On 2018-11-29 07:19:38Show All Posts
  • GWhillikers On 2018-11-29 06:39:09
  • They don't want him to be exclusive they want people to spend that much and expect/hope for it. People are going to spend whatever they want and I don't fault them for it.... I have..... The problem persist when loyal customers whether f2p or p2w are feeling taken advantage of.... We have been through and put up with a ninja put in recharge rebate for 30-40K with a little extra. Even someone having stored up 40k ingots for a given event but to this extreme is crazy when you place it all together. As I said before I am considered to be a "whale" and have been to the point where I played the whole game on auto since no one could compete and it was no fun. This is taking that to another extreme...... A super rare ninja that can be maxed out (exaggerating a little) with all of the other stuff given out, breakthrough for another rare ninja given out and then 150K ingots stored to max out on any/all new power systems......

You are assuming that all businesses want to sell as much as they can to the highest amount of people correct? If so, you're wrong since there are luxury brands that will burn their merchandise if they do not sell at the prices they want to sell it at and won't reduce the price. They only want people that can afford to buy it at that price, which is being exclusive. Since Oasis appears to be doing just like what China is doing, then you have to hope that whales won't get Madara (kind of unlikely) in December to make Oasis to rethink.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2018-11-29 07:20:22.
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On 2018-11-29 09:58:29Show All Posts
  • Zathroth On 2018-11-29 07:57:33
  • I know, I'm a collector, I'm one of those people that want madara too. Who doesn't? But majority of newly released ninjas is in recharge/spending event before they are obtainable in a reasonable manner. For instance edo minato still wasn't obtainable in a way that our average Joe could buy him without regrets. This is what paying is for, its early access to things that you can get in another way over time (some with either luck factor or over a really long time). Some features take such tremendous ammounts of resources that you pretty much can't get them during your lifetime without speeding up the process by paying. At least that was the case with everything so far.

    I get where you are going with this business model, but its not even remotely my field of expertise so I cant really comment it. But personally perspective of spending 3k here during a month is ridiculous. And while it's like that to me, there are people that actually already do it. But honestly it has no effect on me because the best money involved events never were targetted toward me. I couldn't care less about this recharge rebate and rewards it offers, as long as it's not a real exclusive that will never be obtainable in a reasonable way. I'm a patient person.

    @Pabu Panda

    It's not like that. Everybody's constructive opinion should matter. That doesnt mean that it should matter equally. Rant from a farmer that latest model of submarine is bad because od price/functionality doesnt contribute much. On the other hand an opinion from a veteran pilot of such devices could potentially be invalueable.


    Problems could start when things at the top start shaking, aka top bracket players getting ahead or brackets merging. It has no effect on majority of players, since we are meatbags for them(you?), but for them... they will get to feel like us, those meatbags. And every spender minor, major was or will be at a point of second thoughts and will decide at some point "thats enough". Everybody who spent anything was at that point- you either keep going to create (or stay) in top bracket or you slowly fall down the ladder. It's kinda a paradox. You want to get ahead of the competition, but you still need to have people to compete with. And one contradicts the other. Or you'll start to stagnate, auto everything since manual aspect of the game no longer matters.

Whether they are capable of voicing their concerns in a civil manner rather than whining about it, I hope majority of these players feel like they are frustrated with the gap that how heavy whales will benefit every time Oasis adds new ninjas/clothing, which widens the gap between players rather than not being able to get a ninja/clothing as soon as it is being released and being jealous about it. I mean look at with the release of Hana outfit, many were freaking out on how it was released and now this past week, you can piece it via their coupons - whether or not they think they can buy it. While you and me are capable of being patient and wait to them, some players aren't, which doesn't make sense if you aren't willing to spend especially as a f2p. Of course Madara is the exception at the moment for the time being. I'm hoping Oasis won't really make him exclusive as currently he is in China but the alternative might be that his price would be high if capable of being pieced.

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On 2018-12-04 19:14:22Show All Posts
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-12-04 18:43:49
  • If was so they should show the chances right now, exactly like CN does, because the EU law they talk about is right now implemented in china.

Issue is that in the past (and still continue), many countries (especially in the EU) turned a blind eye or settled with Chinese companies since they don't want to ruin investment opportunities from China. Most likely a fine will be payed if regulation does action do something especially for the largest gaming company .

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2018-12-04 19:16:36.
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