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Need some general guidance


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-26 20:05:52Show All Posts

Well... First of all, nice on getting Jonin Minato.

As the person who is probably still above me said, 5 Kage Madara with water can work well, a good bit of people use him on a variety of teams. Be it with Minato and Madara, but that probably isn't much of an option right now, but you could run the Edei-Madara-Jinpachi-Water meta.

Regarding the Jonin Minato, I've heard he's kind of a power scaling ninja, often said to get better with the higher power advantage one has to their enemy. I think the best way to...effectively use him may be to gain more power, Kushina might be able to help, your team seems pretty solid, with Minato functioning as both DPS and control, enemy dodges might get in the way though. Kurenai's functioning as a support, and I think she's a good choice, as long as you can combo up with everyone else. Gaara might be in a tricky position due to his barrier being used here and there, it might get overtaken, it could get cancelled, but if it goes off it will be helpful.

But if you still want to collect ninja, there are other option for a team, I've seen Shisui used for a team like this, a couple of times, in place of Gaara, I think... Might break the combo though. Either way, I hope you can find something in this post useful, good luck.

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