Dear Ninjas!
We would like to thank you all for your support! Below you can check this week's coming updates, and we ask that all of you have a look on it.
We have received feedback from our ninjas and decided to use it to create a better gaming experience for all of you, starting today there will be events with more attractive prizes and collectibles! Your opinions are what give us strength to improve. We are working hard to bring you all a Naruto Online game you desire and enjoy playing! 1. "Main Character Selection" is now possible, you just have to go to your "Character"'s interface to change your Main Character. Experience battles from a new perspective, battle the Main Character, win, and you will be able to change into it! Requirements: Players must have reached Level 60 in order to participate.

b) Click “Challenge” to fight with the main character you selected. If you defeat the character successfully, the main character will be unlocked for you to play with.

c) You can change your main character by clicking “Change Class” *on. The first time is free and after that you’ll need to spend 100 ingots everytime you want to make a transfer. You c*so wait for the Cooldown time to change again your main character for free.
2. A new chapter was added together with more Main Plot instances, the limit of level 70 is now extended to level 80. You can now continue leveling up and completing more Instances, Elite Instances and completing the next part of Naruto's story!

b) Complete the required missions to get activity points. More Lucky Bags can be opened as you complete more missions, by increasing your number of activity points. You can open 25 bags per day in total, which will random drop these items: Coins, Refine Rune, Cultivation Rune, Magatamas.
6. Group Plunder and Group Convoy's time was changed. To give you all a better gaming experience, we have rearranged its schedule time to: 12:00-13:00 and 18:00-19:00.
7. A number of reported bugs have been fixed.
Naruto Online Operation Team