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The strength of a f2p


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On 2018-11-23 21:47:07Show this Author Only

lol this guy started a topic only to prove the following 3 days to other people that he f2p
i don't understard some people

gratz - what to say

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On 2018-11-23 22:01:09Show this Author Only


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On 2018-11-23 22:17:12Show this Author Only
  • Kuro하돌 On 2018-11-23 22:01:09

We really need a F2P Titels xD any suggestions ?

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On 2018-11-23 22:20:57Show this Author Only

Getting 200k as f2p is completely possible if you invest as badly as OP does, especially if you're from an older server..

His/her power is that high because of spreading every power function onto all 4 positions, which is not the way to show off "strength". Most of the free players that are good, and that stack position 1 and 2 are currently at 160-200k, unless they're a GL and have a different spending income.

In conclusion, numbers are cool and all, but what will your 190k do when you get one shot by a free player from s400 with 160k bp, that learned how to invest for actual strength?

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On 2018-11-23 22:26:24Show this Author Only
  • Jambo On 2018-11-23 21:43:35
  • Congrats on becoming the strongest player in your server! I know how you feel when people who called you ptw and doesn't believe you are f2p. I am f2p too (184k here from s12) and recently reclaimed my 1st place once again! So just ignore those people who called you ptw cuz I want you to enjoy your celebration!

Thnx :D

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On 2018-11-23 22:34:28Show this Author Only
  • IchimaruzOr On 2018-11-23 22:20:57
  • Getting 200k as f2p is completely possible if you invest as badly as OP does, especially if you're from an older server..

    His/her power is that high because of spreading every power function onto all 4 positions, which is not the way to show off "strength". Most of the free players that are good, and that stack position 1 and 2 are currently at 160-200k, unless they're a GL and have a different spending income.

    In conclusion, numbers are cool and all, but what will your 190k do when you get one shot by a free player from s400 with 160k bp, that learned how to invest for actual strength?

Am using LM. Bee. Kurama naruto and kushina.

It's true that that all my position r equal but they r important too cuz I need all of them in battle and when I lose one I lose all the battle

I don't need putting everything in 1st pos. It will not change too much cuz my stats r high enough to beat who r stronger than me so no way that someone with 160k will defeat me

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On 2018-11-23 22:50:36Show this Author Only
  • IchimaruzOr On 2018-11-23 22:20:57
  • Getting 200k as f2p is completely possible if you invest as badly as OP does, especially if you're from an older server..

    His/her power is that high because of spreading every power function onto all 4 positions, which is not the way to show off "strength". Most of the free players that are good, and that stack position 1 and 2 are currently at 160-200k, unless they're a GL and have a different spending income.

    In conclusion, numbers are cool and all, but what will your 190k do when you get one shot by a free player from s400 with 160k bp, that learned how to invest for actual strength?

You are way way overvaluing move 1 overstacking when this is done by a f2p.

160k in server 400 by overstacking move 1 by completely forgetting about move 3 and 4?

So what? 70k move 1, 50k move 2 and two 20k move 3 and 4?

A 190k that owns a 55k move 1 and 3 45k move 2/3/4 will always win IF he goes for defensive setups.


Because that s400 f2p can't own the ninjas that let him take advantage of that 70k move 1 because, otherwise, he wouldn't have the 70k move 1.

I do not see a single high power f2p that owns edo hiruzen or angel god konan.

And if you are f2p you can't own in any way itachi susano'o and also madara founder, the only free lineup that could take advantage of that 70k move.

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2018-11-23 22:55:36.
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On 2018-11-24 00:04:08Show this Author Only
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-11-23 22:50:36
  • You are way way overvaluing move 1 overstacking when this is done by a f2p.

    160k in server 400 by overstacking move 1 by completely forgetting about move 3 and 4?

    So what? 70k move 1, 50k move 2 and two 20k move 3 and 4?

    A 190k that owns a 55k move 1 and 3 45k move 2/3/4 will always win IF he goes for defensive setups.


    Because that s400 f2p can't own the ninjas that let him take advantage of that 70k move 1 because, otherwise, he wouldn't have the 70k move 1.

    I do not see a single high power f2p that owns edo hiruzen or angel god konan.

    And if you are f2p you can't own in any way itachi susano'o and also madara founder, the only free lineup that could take advantage of that 70k move.

nvm bug doublepost

This post was last edited by Thibs on 2018-11-24 00:09:53.
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On 2018-11-24 00:04:49Show this Author Only
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-11-23 22:50:36
  • You are way way overvaluing move 1 overstacking when this is done by a f2p.

    160k in server 400 by overstacking move 1 by completely forgetting about move 3 and 4?

    So what? 70k move 1, 50k move 2 and two 20k move 3 and 4?

    A 190k that owns a 55k move 1 and 3 45k move 2/3/4 will always win IF he goes for defensive setups.


    Because that s400 f2p can't own the ninjas that let him take advantage of that 70k move 1 because, otherwise, he wouldn't have the 70k move 1.

    I do not see a single high power f2p that owns edo hiruzen or angel god konan.

    And if you are f2p you can't own in any way itachi susano'o and also madara founder, the only free lineup that could take advantage of that 70k move.

Members of one group of my server own AGK and EGK as f2p -.- They are 4 or 5 in this situation.

Since when f2p can't own madara founder btw ? same for itachi ss

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On 2018-11-24 00:32:06Show this Author Only

nice nice,gz man,f2p powah.

lol nobodys going to beleive that u are f2p in game,whats your pos1 ini btw?

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On 2018-11-24 04:24:55Show this Author Only
  • Thibs On 2018-11-24 00:04:49
  • Members of one group of my server own AGK and EGK as f2p -.- They are 4 or 5 in this situation.

    Since when f2p can't own madara founder btw ? same for itachi ss

Yes, indeed they can own edo hirzuen or agk and, as a consequence, they are not 160k in server 400+ with a 70k move 1.

And yes they own itachi susano'o SO they so not own ALSO madara and viceversa.

Where did i say that was not possibly to get them? I clearly stated that you needed to have BOTH as a free gainable ninjas to get advantage of a 70k move 1. (no f2p might be able to gather the very minimum of 4000 ss in the 20 months the game was on live on server 400 to be able to get both).

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2018-11-24 04:27:43.
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On 2018-11-24 04:46:54Show this Author Only

Scarlettblue, for people who never invested into the game its very possible to have hiruzen, agk or susanoo itachi. Remember you get a lot of free frags, so even if you never pulled kage you are likely to have around 30-40 by now [active people who never skip draws and are here since late 2016/early 2017]. Regarding seal scrolls, its not uncommon nowadays for ftp to get around 4-5k cp per month, and spending those resources on great plates gives you around 80 seals per 10k used. Im mentioning this event because its relatively good power up event up to a certain grasp map level. Same goes for other events offering seal scrolls, but undoubtedly plates are the best source of them.

Btw. gaara recharge reward isnt instantly claimed and grays out if you dont claim it. This is also the reason that you actually never know if someone recharged or not. Not that it has any meaning except boosting one's own ego.

edit: noticed post about madara and itachi at once. It's harder but definitely possible. Hashi and itachi on the other hand... propably not.

This post was last edited by Zathroth on 2018-11-24 04:49:59.
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On 2018-11-24 05:06:50Show this Author Only
  • Zathroth On 2018-11-24 04:46:54
  • Scarlettblue, for people who never invested into the game its very possible to have hiruzen, agk or susanoo itachi. Remember you get a lot of free frags, so even if you never pulled kage you are likely to have around 30-40 by now [active people who never skip draws and are here since late 2016/early 2017]. Regarding seal scrolls, its not uncommon nowadays for ftp to get around 4-5k cp per month, and spending those resources on great plates gives you around 80 seals per 10k used. Im mentioning this event because its relatively good power up event up to a certain grasp map level. Same goes for other events offering seal scrolls, but undoubtedly plates are the best source of them.

    Btw. gaara recharge reward isnt instantly claimed and grays out if you dont claim it. This is also the reason that you actually never know if someone recharged or not. Not that it has any meaning except boosting one's own ego.

    edit: noticed post about madara and itachi at once. It's harder but definitely possible. Hashi and itachi on the other hand... propably not.

He didn't say is not possible to have AGK or Hiruzen.

He said is not possible to get them while overstacking a move 1 enough to beat somebody like me by owning 40k less total power.

That said, I'm in server 302 and i just got Itachi Susano'o around 2 months ago, after getting Kurama naruto from GNW treasure (currently sitting on 29 fragments of edo hashi).

I'm not free to play, just low casher (monthly card since april 2017 and jonin medal once every 6 months since june 2017).

I'm around the power of the OP, I gained some fragments of itachi from some p2w events (around 5 i think, if i don't wrongly remember).

I'm the leader of my group, top32/64 usually in space time, six paths in arena since july 2017 and i invested in great plates massively at least 4 times.

If this was my situation i don't see how is possible somebody from a server 100 numbers younger than mine and f2p could get my same outcome from those treasures except for exceedingly high luck.

I don't even see how they could have pieced AGK and eventually Kisame samehada/Minato Hokage or edo hiruzen + shisui while gathering a stronger move 1 than me while staying behind me just by 30k power.

That said a 160k power with a 70k move 1 with edo hiruzen meta even if owned initiative would not beat me.

Generally even 220-230ks with higher initiative and 80/90k move 1 lose in swb against me with that lineup.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-11-24 05:09:25.
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On 2018-11-24 05:19:53Show this Author Only

btw noticed something,,,, 2 years and unmerged server LOL ?!

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On 2018-11-24 06:08:01Show this Author Only

Uff Men genial, aspiró llegar un día con ese poder, actualmente tengo 98.500 de poder siendo nivel 85.

Felicitaciones y sigue adelante

Pds : es normal que tengan envidia, callalos y cierra bocas.

This post was last edited by Gabriel belmont on 2018-11-24 06:09:01.
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On 2018-11-24 06:20:20Show this Author Only

great i guess, want a cookie now?

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On 2018-11-24 06:27:13Show this Author Only
  • JustSaying On 2018-11-23 16:52:33
  • U can recharge and have gaara and recharge ball thing. Someone already showed it in another f2p brag thread. Really don't get what is so great bragging about f2p and high most cases these people have a whale carrying them in events or part of a strongest group or are GLs so....and isn't it better when more people spending money?more money for the company plus low prices good servers ,good programmers, etc.

    Also power means very little in this game, stacked position 1 can beat a spread life with 50k more power :P

    From the developers perspective, this thread is like... hm f2p have it good.Let's nerf some stuff and increase prices. :V

Nope u cant show gaara and recharge ball thing if u recharge, becoz it will automatically claimed on the next. Someone already showed it in f2p but in gaara thing it showed 4 days not 5 days so he already recharge in 1 days.

Thx, dont make an false comment if u are weak bro

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On 2018-11-24 07:15:06Show this Author Only
  • Zathroth On 2018-11-24 04:46:54
  • Scarlettblue, for people who never invested into the game its very possible to have hiruzen, agk or susanoo itachi. Remember you get a lot of free frags, so even if you never pulled kage you are likely to have around 30-40 by now [active people who never skip draws and are here since late 2016/early 2017]. Regarding seal scrolls, its not uncommon nowadays for ftp to get around 4-5k cp per month, and spending those resources on great plates gives you around 80 seals per 10k used. Im mentioning this event because its relatively good power up event up to a certain grasp map level. Same goes for other events offering seal scrolls, but undoubtedly plates are the best source of them.

    Btw. gaara recharge reward isnt instantly claimed and grays out if you dont claim it. This is also the reason that you actually never know if someone recharged or not. Not that it has any meaning except boosting one's own ego.

    edit: noticed post about madara and itachi at once. It's harder but definitely possible. Hashi and itachi on the other hand... propably not.

yeah i agree i am f2p and i have konan and madara 5 kage my average power is 160k my position 1 is 56k power position 2 is 40k power 3 and 4 are 30 k

this is how i got madara 5 kage after months of saving

This post was last edited by S440-Genesis on 2018-11-24 07:16:37.
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On 2018-11-24 08:07:51Show this Author Only
  • Thibs On 2018-11-24 00:04:49
  • Members of one group of my server own AGK and EGK as f2p -.- They are 4 or 5 in this situation.

    Since when f2p can't own madara founder btw ? same for itachi ss

As a f2p, you can get 5k cpns per month. in two years, that's 120k total coupons that can be collected, and you'd only need 20k to get an AGK (if you wait and get lucky, you c*so use it on fukurokumaru rebate to get a free Edo Deidara or Shisui, I believe both ninjas were in fukuro rebate at one point). But that's beside the point, what I wanted to show is that you can totally get ONE great 'event' ninja for your pos 1 as a f2p. And you can build around that team.

And yeah, I highly doubt a f2p would get as good ninjas as a moderate spender can while also keeping up in power.

But that's not necessary... technically speaking, you can go water-main's shark bomb mode with pure f2p ninjas, e.g. regular tsunade, kurenai, sakura, and water main. Its counter-able, sure, but if your team isn't specifically prepped to counter that formation, a f2p who's behind you in power by 30k but faster pos 1 can definitely beat you. Not saying it's a guarantee, but it is possible.

Plus, it depends on the skill of the f2p and the spender lol. An 'efficiently' spending spender will ALWAYS outperform an efficient f2p. If YOU are one of those, then yeah highly doubtful any f2p who didn't have months head start on you can beat you. But if you're the type of f2p who likes to get ninjas and spends like 100k ingots on ninjas that you don't actually use all that often... then f2p's can theoretically catch up/surpass. I mean, imagine a spender who gets all 3 minatos (Jonin, Hokage, and Edo) and the two Obitos (Masked Man and 5k Madara); that's like 50k worth of ingots in ninjas that they won't be able to use in a 1v1. And the difference b/w f2p's and low/moderate spenders is often exactly that; around 50k worth in ingots.

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On 2018-11-24 09:27:44Show this Author Only
  • sahiku On 2018-11-23 20:33:20
  • Screenshot_20181213-234932

Yeah.... no, Either you purposely took the screenshot while it wasn't finished loading or editing out, but below is what it actually looks like. Someone made the point that you can still have this screen by recharging and that is partially true. While you still have access to this screen if you recharge under 5 times, the sentence "Recharge 50 ingots per day for 5 days..." will change to "Recharge 50 ingots per day for (5 - # of recharges) days"


Correct me if I'm missing something but this is just what I noticed

This post was last edited by SSirus on 2018-11-24 09:30:16.
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