Fire and Lightning mains can kill Tobi without a problem
Clones characters (Kabuto, Naruto, War Shino, Kiba, Kankuro, etc. also do a lot of damage to him
He has only evaded I think 2 times my Kirin, and maybe 3 times Dragon Flame... that evasion rate is lower than Neji's or Kimimaro's
Maybe instead of nerfing, you should make him more difficult to obtain? If you are saying that he is so OP why is he so easily available?
Why not nerf Chiyo, she can revive anyone?
Why not nerf 10 puppets Chiyo, her combo is too OP?
Oh, why not nerf Itachi, he gives you too much chakra with his mystery? xDD
Maybe we should nerf main characters, ex. Earth can be immune to combo, and interrupt you on top of that? xDD
Sorry, I had to do that :v