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[ Strategy Share ] Tobi broken


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-12 16:08:11Show this Author Only
Fire and Lightning mains can kill Tobi without a problem
Clones characters (Kabuto, Naruto, War Shino, Kiba, Kankuro, etc. also do a lot of damage to him
He has only evaded I think 2 times my Kirin, and maybe 3 times Dragon Flame... that evasion rate is lower than Neji's or Kimimaro's

Maybe instead of nerfing, you should make him more difficult to obtain? If you are saying that he is so OP why is he so easily available?

Why not nerf Chiyo, she can revive anyone?

Why not nerf 10 puppets Chiyo, her combo is too OP?

Oh, why not nerf Itachi, he gives you too much chakra with his mystery? xDD

Maybe we should nerf main characters, ex. Earth can be immune to combo, and interrupt you on top of that? xDD

Sorry, I had to do that :v
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-12 18:26:33Show this Author Only
As I noticed there are 2 type of people whining about Tobi :lol
1. The loser F2P type :
This kind of people are bad at games. They don't want to invest time or money but still want to be the very best and won't stop whining about everything their little head think it's not fair.
As a almost F2P player I still managed to get in top 10 power easily (s86 3+ week old). You guys are just bad. Accept that and try to change it. Not whining about it and hope for some miracle change. There won't be anything like that in this world. If you still feel this is unfair. Just quit. EZ
2. The Chinese server said so :
This kind of people believe there will be a nerf for Tobi and refused to get him or use him then got owned by Tobi. Start to whining about why not nerf him sooner. :lol Even a MOD said that this global version won't follow exactly what other version went and Tobi may not receive a nerf. I hope this is true so I can enjoy the whining drama more ;P

Really people, why whining about something you can get for free? If you refused to use him then it's your problem. Stop asking for him to be nerf. If you believe he is OP right now so why not abuse his power right now to gain advantage?
Even if he will get a nerf later it's still worth.
You can win sage battle with him, you can do more ninja exam with him, you can ensure more battle in survival trial with him, bla bla... He is worth investing right now. If you afraid to take risk because you think he will be nerf then don't whine when people beat the crap out of you. That's coward.
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On 2016-09-12 18:51:27Show this Author Only
even if tobi is broken it doesnt matter since anyone can get him pretty early
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On 2016-09-12 19:39:49Show this Author Only
It's just that he offers so much.
Evasion, revive, ignition (twice in a row with mystery and chase, so it's still 100% chance on genjutsu return), prompt mystery, high combo, ignition on standard attack, and a chase on his own mystery for more damage.

A nerf would be justified, and he is getting nerfed in the future.
BUT, I'm still going to use him with the nerfs. I can make it work. :3
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-12 21:39:42Show this Author Only
  • Kouka On 2016-09-12 18:26:33
  • As I noticed there are 2 type of people whining about Tobi :lol
    1. The loser F2P type :
    This kind of people are bad at games. They don't want to invest time or money but still want to be the very best and won't stop whining about everything their little head think it's not fair.
    As a almost F2P player I still managed to get in top 10 power easily (s86 3+ week old). You guys are just bad. Accept that and try to change it. Not whining about it and hope for some miracle change. There won't be anything like that in this world. If you still feel this is unfair. Just quit. EZ
    2. The Chinese server said so :
    This kind of people believe there will be a nerf for Tobi and refused to get him or use him then got owned by Tobi. Start to whining about why not nerf him sooner. :lol Even a MOD said that this global version won't follow exactly what other version went and Tobi may not receive a nerf. I hope this is true so I can enjoy the whining drama more ;P

    Really people, why whining about something you can get for free? If you refused to use him then it's your problem. Stop asking for him to be nerf. If you believe he is OP right now so why not abuse his power right now to gain advantage?
    Even if he will get a nerf later it's still worth.
    You can win sage battle with him, you can do more ninja exam with him, you can ensure more battle in survival trial with him, bla bla... He is worth investing right now. If you afraid to take risk because you think he will be nerf then don't whine when people beat the crap out of you. That's coward.
Or how about a 3rd type of person?

A person that can objectively recognize that balance in these games is NEVER perfect and buffs/nerfs will happen.

Trying to shout down people discussing if buffs/nerfs are needed is not helpful.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-12 22:04:06Show this Author Only
You want to know what is broken?... try beating a lightning main using armor talent in ranked battle... lvl 55+... you will see how he is gonna break all your clones.. and low hp ninjas. in 1 Turn... and yeah... you can't even focus him because they are hidding themselves in position 3 / 4... Also even if you use hinata to make it easier... still is not enought.. The only way i've found is focusing hard in front of where he is placed.. and using hinata "And still is hard AF"... Idc about tobi. He is easy to kill with chase combos. You guys simple don't know how to beat them.
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On 2016-09-12 22:04:44Show this Author Only
  • FG3000 On 2016-09-12 21:39:42
  • Or how about a 3rd type of person?

    A person that can objectively recognize that balance in these games is NEVER perfect and buffs/nerfs will happen.

    Trying to shout down people discussing if buffs/nerfs are needed is not helpful.
Oh boy triggered already? ;P
Yeah recognize that balance and whining about nerf a ninja for everyone while using a bunch of OP ninjas can only obtain via paying is good and all. If you said that then please also nerf Pain Tendo, Hashirama, Kyuubi Naruto and Iruka please.
Yep there is a 3rd type of person. A selfish P2W one that don't want other has an option to stand against them.
Shout down people? I only speak the truth. This is just an early stage of the game and people already whining about buff/nerf? Just play it out is so hard for you guys? Also I said that even if they will nerf him, that fine. Just don't whine about it because if you guys are right then eventually he will get what he deserve right?
So right now if you are afraid to take a risk and invest in him. Then just shut up. EZ? Is it that hard to understand? It's not like he is hard to get or you have to spend money for him. Gosh people are weird.

This post was last edited by Kouka at 2016-9-12 21:08 This post was last edited by Kouka at 2016-9-12 21:09
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