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[ Events ] Thanksgiving forum event


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 164
  • Posts: 3533
On 2018-11-22 20:21:38Show All PostsDescending Order
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The Naruto family wishes all the ninja of Konoha a happy Thanksgiving! On this day of family reunions, we also hope Naruto’s family can join us in battle!

【Event Info】

1)In the Arena, choose any formation of Minato, Kushina, Naruto or Hinata and take a screenshot of you winning with the formation.

2)Choose your favorite picture of these four characters.

3)Upload both pictures to your reply.

【Event time】

22.11. - 05.12.2018

【Event Rewards】

The event will distribute a total of 3000 Coupons, separated across three levels

Level 1:500 Coupons randomly awarded to 2 people

Level 2:300 Coupons randomly awarded to 4 people

Level 3:100 Coupons randomly awarded to 8 people

【Event Rules】

1、Players must indicate in their reply which of the three levels they wish to participate in,and each UID may only participate in only 1 level,sending more than one will only count your first entry.

2、Players participating in level 1(500 Coupons)must use 3 of the 4 designated Ninja in the arena

3、Players participating in level 2(300 Coupons)must use 2 of the 4 designated Ninja in the arena

4、Players participating in level 2 (100 Coupons) must use 1 of the 4 designated Ninja in the arena

5、If the provided screenshots lineup does not meet the selected levels requirements, it will be disqualified. Please pay careful attention.

6、Replies that do not conform to the format will not be included during selection. Please pay careful attention.

【Reply Format】

1. Arena win screenshot (with server time and date top bar included):

2. Chosen favorite image:

3 UID:

4. ServerID:

5. Character Name:

6. The level you wish to participate in:




1. UID:123456789

2. S123

3. Ironman

4. I choose to participate in the Level 1 activity (500 coupons).

Best of luck,
Naruto Online Operation Team

This post was last edited by Daiske on 2018-11-22 20:21:38.
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