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[ Events ] Event Cycle - November 22th


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On 2018-11-22 01:12:48Show this Author Only
  • Regn On 2018-11-22 00:25:22
  • I do think that once Han and Fuu are released (seperately of course) then they will release the Edo Jinchu treasure. My guess on when, would be at the end of next month.

Yeah, now we can see that pattern is applied...but honestly no idea why haven't they started with Jinchu treasure of those which are already in - i mean since those treasure are time limited there's literally no obstacle to put one at time for ~2 weeks to be there. Definitely all that would be well timed, even with a lot of spare time for Han/Fu to be exclusives.

This post was last edited by TotallyNotKuram on 2018-11-22 01:13:32.
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On 2018-11-22 01:55:41Show this Author Only
  • TotallyNotKuram On 2018-11-21 23:26:42
  • it's because many people just want to get them in proper way, myself included. Edo Yagura/Yugito been introduced into game +/- 3 months ago. For every Jinchu there's separate treasure so just that implicates another waiting for certain Jinchu someone might want - and here we are, not even 1st treasure with Edo Yugito.

    That's why everyone are tired of milking of from paid ninjas or clothing after clothing.

If people are willing to buy these Edo Jins even when they should be in time limited treasures to be placed in (based on China and what Oasis said in the preview page for 5.0), Oasis and any other business will take advantage of it.

If people are tired of being milked then don't be trigger happy with spending as soon as possible once something comes out. If no one buys once something comes out, then Oasis messed up and will try to increase the # of people. If someone does buy, you are telling them that is the market price of it until their data begins to tell them that the # of people buying is falling. It's been pretty obvious this is happening if you look at the prices and see how they fall depending how long the item has been around and how many people have them.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2018-11-22 02:03:07.
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On 2018-11-22 02:32:01Show this Author Only

Hinata cloak in tailed beast please... u gave her breakthroughs and only showed her once since then

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On 2018-11-22 02:56:22Show this Author Only

Super saving week.

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On 2018-11-22 03:09:24Show this Author Only

Konan should be on the wheel and not lucky board because she was on lasts month board, don't put shisui on wheel twice...

This post was last edited by Youbsun on 2018-11-22 03:11:01.
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On 2018-11-22 03:37:47Show this Author Only

Since I don't like those Edo Jinchus I already know that I am not going to use that treasure when it comes. Finally we get that Kage scroll to collect interface in Ninjas I have been waiting for it

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On 2018-11-22 05:05:00Show this Author Only

thank you, nice events and functions this time.

i hope we get soon also kage ti normal and hard mode

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On 2018-11-22 05:28:44Show this Author Only

Hey! Oasis, Daiske or whoever is in charge of community feedback, bring back Hokage Tsunade as a redeemable ninja. Last time was probably over a year ago.

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On 2018-11-22 06:41:11Show this Author Only

thank you

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On 2018-11-22 07:17:05Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2018-11-22 01:55:41
  • If people are willing to buy these Edo Jins even when they should be in time limited treasures to be placed in (based on China and what Oasis said in the preview page for 5.0), Oasis and any other business will take advantage of it.

    If people are tired of being milked then don't be trigger happy with spending as soon as possible once something comes out. If no one buys once something comes out, then Oasis messed up and will try to increase the # of people. If someone does buy, you are telling them that is the market price of it until their data begins to tell them that the # of people buying is falling. It's been pretty obvious this is happening if you look at the prices and see how they fall depending how long the item has been around and how many people have them.

Once again you speak the truth, yet the people...they do not listen.

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On 2018-11-22 09:48:59Show this Author Only
  • FireLordBG On 2018-11-21 20:43:56
  • When Madara sage of the six paths will be added?

I hope not soon. Hopefully in 1 or 2 months so that I can save more coupons XD

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On 2018-11-22 11:00:16Show this Author Only

U gonna add shisui in dat hehe

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On 2018-11-22 12:19:10Show this Author Only

How much is the ukataka edo tensei?

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On 2018-11-22 13:43:23Show this Author Only






This post was last edited by Pupsiiiii on 2018-11-22 13:45:34.
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On 2018-11-22 14:10:28Show this Author Only


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On 2018-11-22 15:20:20Show this Author Only

I finally see the cultivation scrolls, thank you Oasis!

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On 2018-11-22 16:09:45Show this Author Only

What time is the maintainance Done?

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On 2018-11-22 16:13:13Show this Author Only

UK came back up over 2 hours ago.

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On 2018-11-22 17:36:55Show this Author Only

Love the lucky board!! Thanks for putting charm packs back

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On 2018-11-22 17:51:21Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2018-11-22 01:55:41
  • If people are willing to buy these Edo Jins even when they should be in time limited treasures to be placed in (based on China and what Oasis said in the preview page for 5.0), Oasis and any other business will take advantage of it.

    If people are tired of being milked then don't be trigger happy with spending as soon as possible once something comes out. If no one buys once something comes out, then Oasis messed up and will try to increase the # of people. If someone does buy, you are telling them that is the market price of it until their data begins to tell them that the # of people buying is falling. It's been pretty obvious this is happening if you look at the prices and see how they fall depending how long the item has been around and how many people have them.

I mean.. you haven't discovered any star in here, was/is/will be obvious. But whales always been and will be, so what? Unless 10% of servers won't recharge for period of 1 event cycle then something will change? Case is that majority of us don't have any impact on those who are willing to buy 25k ninja at 1st week of it release, neither you will change their mindset. Whales case is a lost case, doesn't mean that rest of us can't get proper ways to expand our ninja collections- sure we can only wait for generous Oasis to bless us with like treasures, but there is elephant in the room that game is suddenly into collision course with the sun, with recent speed up of paid ninjas.

It really doesn't mean that if one is willing to buy 30k stuff, the next 10 will do as well. Once again, whales will be whales, ruining game in many selfish ways.

Quicky Post

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