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[ Events ] Event Cycle - November 22th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-22 07:17:05Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2018-11-22 01:55:41
  • If people are willing to buy these Edo Jins even when they should be in time limited treasures to be placed in (based on China and what Oasis said in the preview page for 5.0), Oasis and any other business will take advantage of it.

    If people are tired of being milked then don't be trigger happy with spending as soon as possible once something comes out. If no one buys once something comes out, then Oasis messed up and will try to increase the # of people. If someone does buy, you are telling them that is the market price of it until their data begins to tell them that the # of people buying is falling. It's been pretty obvious this is happening if you look at the prices and see how they fall depending how long the item has been around and how many people have them.

Once again you speak the truth, yet the people...they do not listen.

Quicky Post

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