Currently using the Minato - Shisui - WM - Kurenai team and i need suggestions on lineups to go against opponents with higher ini...
Well... one way that you can deal with an opponent that has more initiative is to use an acupuncture team. This only works if the opponent doesn't have the ability to use their mystery right from the start of the fight. You'll want to use the lightening main to acupuncture the most threatening ninjas mystery in round 2 which is usually the opponents' position 1 ninja. The lineup below allows you to control quite a few of the opponents' ninjas from using their mysteries. Your first move should be to acupuncture the position 1 ninja of the opponent, then you will want to use Neji's acupuncture on their main or any ninja that has the potential to clear debuffs. Now, If Hinata combos, her mystery will be available to use and you can then acupuncture a third ninja. Acupuncture typically lasts until the 3rd round so you'll have some time for your acupuncture mysteries to go through their battle cooldowns especially Hinata's since every time she combos it lowers her mystery cooldown.
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