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[ Lineup ] Konan [Taisho Period] Lineups


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-17 02:45:41Show All Posts

I have a few water main teams that I really enjoy using her with. Note some are high P2W ninja.


Konan Water Main 1

I like this team, because of Anbu Itachi giving himself and Sas Sasuke extra attacks, plus the damage that can be piled on with Water Main's 10 Combo, Sasuke's 10 Combo, and Itachi's Combo. Konan is good for giving you more chakra when Sasuke uses his mastery on an enemy. The only downside is if you use Sasuke's mastery then Konan won't chase, so you won't get the immobile from her.

2nd team (Note pretty P2W)

Konan Water Main 2

This team I really like, and has became one of my new mains. You have two super armor ninjas protecting your two supports. You have Kisame that when he uses his mastery will not only make it so no one can do anything that round, but instantly gives you back 80 chakra.. This is a good thing, because Kisame deals more damage the higher your chakra is.. Not only that, but Kisame also has the high chance starting combos off, and this team can get to the 20 combos needed for Kisame to send his sharks to drain, as well as Sas Sasuke to chase. Sasuke is good here, because again super armor, his mastery skill is good, and he can bring the damage that you need. Also this team will chase into Konan being able to use her chase skill. The reason I take enhacment of water style is just to give Kisame more damage, as well as giving water main more nin, but it could also be replaced with healing tips.

3rd team. (Also kinda P2W)

Konan Water Main 3

This is just a fun team to play with. Nagato is pretty strong with his mastery and all, plus he is pretty beefy front liner. You can get ignition and a good amount of DOT damage. Also draining up to 40 chakra is fun.. His mastery also removes buffs and shields. Again Sasuke is good with damage and all. To me this is just a fun team to throw out if you TI, because the Kisame version will affect your allies.

This post was last edited by Hinu Hyuga on 2018-11-17 02:57:32.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-17 09:53:44Show All Posts

Sounds like a fun team. I don't have Madara (5 Kage) yet. I also havn't been able to get Angel God either, but I was running the tree while trying also to get the points up for Sasunoo Sasuke, and just got enough coins to get her.

I was thinking of another team now that I could use. I'll have to wait till I get home to post it, but it's like my Kisame team, but instead of Kisame put in Kushina (RedHot) That will make it so she can break the immunity of teams.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-18 00:32:57Show All Posts
  • Nekokano On 2018-11-17 11:40:46
  • forgot to put my link, please fix edit windows, I feel like im spamming ; u ;

Nice team. I would use that, but I don't have the Second Hokage can you think of somebody to replace him with?

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-19 03:27:23Show All Posts

1st I want to say that I'm sorry ICE* for taking over your topic.


Konan Water Main 4

Since I still don't have 5 Kage Madara. I feel like this team could be an easier replacement. Just replaced Madara with Pain Nigo. I think Tendo will work when I get him with this comp as well.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-19 06:48:52Show All Posts

That's why I'm staying with my main team with Kisame.

Quicky Post

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