Something you should know
about Five Natures Chakra.
7. The normal ATT means the normal attack, and the normal RES means normal resistance. Your real damage = your damage * (1+ your own normal ATT – your enemy’s normal RES). You can directly change normal to any other attributes. This calculate way is only suitable to the situation that your attack or mystery has only one attributes.
8. When it comes to some ninjas who can cause several different attributes of damage on opponents, the calculate ways changed. As for tenten (great ninja war), her mystery can cause five different attributes damage of fire, water, wind, earth and lighting. So the real damage should be calculated as this way: tenten’s mystery real damage = her damage * { 1+1/5(her fire ATT – enemy’s fire RES) + 1/5(her water ATT – enemy’s water RES) + 1/5(earth ATT – enemy’s earth RES) + 1/5(wind ATT – enemy’s wind RES) + 1/5(her light ATT – enemy’s light RES)}. If a ninja can cause X attributes damage, then the calculation should be 1 + X things which is multiply by 1/X.
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