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[ Ninja Exam ] Ninja Exam 260 pure F2P Lineup


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-14 21:12:42Show All Posts

I have 120k bp, and i use this lineup to beat 260. Lower difficulty 1/7. I got both masked man and 4th minato for 50 cps each in lucky * like when in 4.0, so idk how much are they right now.


summon mys pakkun

arrange the lineup so that all clones got shield by iruka.
1st round interrupt hidan and MUST IMMOBILE nagato... if failed then retreat... masked man MUST survive with more than 30% hp, everyone else should survive too. if u dont got tag, retreat.
2nd round, aim whoever got tag. After kakuzu heals, impletus and immobile nagato again (if he's not immobile then need 1 wind clone in front of minato and use minato mys so nagato wont take charka).

3rd round, aim nagato, konan should be dead by minato standard, if zetsu or deidara mys, iruka mys on him.

The rest should be quite eazy.
This strats need some luck (if u have high control stats, it will benefit more), some high damage on the carrier and a bit tanky clones. My minato is at 45k bp and my wind main mood is +life at lv 12.

If anyone got thoses ninjas... good luck!
If not, try using your creativity, kudos to u!

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-12-03 23:11:27Show All Posts
  • pine of the sea On 2018-12-03 20:39:43
  • Thanks so much.

    I passed these exams following your introduction. It took about 5 tries for 259 and 260 exam. I just changed Minato jonin for the 4th cause i dont have him

Oh my god nice, I'd never expect jonin minato to pass NE 260, because hokage minato has higher damage output than jonin,

It maybe because my bp is too low haha.
You did a great job!
Thank you for taking my advice!

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-12-04 00:37:25Show All Posts
  • Shiro1 On 2018-12-03 23:26:05
  • 30% damage buff must be something, right ?

30% is really, really good, plus the tag and the paralize makes the dream of the opponent shattered... but even with the chase scales, his damage output still isnt as high as hokage minato's.

in actual pvp the paralisis is much needed than the damage output, unless you are running a blizt team, so minato jonin is freaking awesome. But for pve, since hokage minato's damage is so high (despite jonin's and hokage's base stats are equal), he's much better.

I cant complete 260 with my jonin, so i tried hokage, and after some rng is r1 it really worked well xD

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-12-05 22:42:59Show All Posts
  • Shiro1 On 2018-12-04 04:55:27
  • maybe OP ninja exam's difficulty was lowered bc I cant finish 259 with JM and MM

yeah i dont reccommend going in 259 with JM... there's 3 lineups that's too dangerous to tank unless u got outstanding (like... superman) defense.
if u can tank some hits, go for sage nar
otherwise find someone deals field dmg, like HM or shisui, kage gaara

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