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[ Help ] Purify or not to purify


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-13 00:27:30Show All PostsDescending Order
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Dear Oasis how the hell your Purification works?

started with 1 gold stat on init with 750 runes and 900 prot runes now i have 1 gold on injury.

Did you just nerfed the chance of getting it after mats are available in store? I do not accept RNG answers lol.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-13 03:44:32Show All Posts
  • Zathroth On 2018-11-13 00:50:57
  • You roll unprotected until you get 1 gold stat you desire the most (usually ini in most cases). They you lock it and roll. Once you get 2nd gold, you lock 2 golds and keep going. Dont expect that if you keep on unprotected rolling suddenly you'll hit 2-5 gold statts at once. Mathematically its possible, but its super highly unlikely.

i explain again what i did.

i had gold init on item when i started. that got protected. with 750 rune and 500 protection i made a crit gold. after that i locked both then started to do 200 more prot rune a week later another 200. still no 3rd gold. so basically i made 1 gold stat out of 900 prot rune.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-14 18:15:34Show All Posts
  • Shryke On 2018-11-14 06:44:21
  • You don't lock untill you get a golden init.

    After that you should try to go for at least purple on all other stats.

    But locking anything in place of init is a waste of protection.

Ok maybe my english is bad but i TRY to explain this again.

my item had Init on gold already. i had 750 puriry rune and 500 prot rune.

i lock init then started spining. from these runes about 100 spin and i got the 2nd gold that is injury.

* got real after 2nd gold. i locked both then kept going till 500 was gone. since then i bought 400 prot runes

that i used and still no 3rd gold.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-15 00:16:48Show All Posts
  • Garv On 2018-11-14 21:42:22
  • purifications are the 1.0 money sinkers, they are expecially made to make you waste tons of resources to get what you want.

    you should have stopped at 2 golds and be happy to get the other 3 as purples, considering how worthless is the difference between purple and gold on the global outcome for your ninja except for initiative (on a level 10 refinement means to get, at most, 200 more of that secondary stat, that is a 2% effect...)

when you reach the lvl 10 refine the 3 most iportant main stat should be yellow.

many said its gold stat in every 100 spin so im guessing it was wrong. tho my 1st lvl 10 refined item was 4 gold statted with 500 prot rune.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-16 02:49:23Show All Posts
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-11-15 19:37:23
  • Whoever told you that or is an huge whale or somebody that played in 1.0 or 2.0 and that has no idea aboit how the game works now.

    If you own level 10 refinement with, lets say, an 83% control (yes, it's gold even 83%...) you get 660*1.83 = 1208 control. If you, instead, were not greedy and you stopped with a purple at, lets say, 75%,you got 660*1.75 = 1155 control. Are 53 control points of difference, means you just get a 0.53% more chance to control the enemy or to not let you be controlled, the same applies to the other 3 substats. If you honestly think is worth to spend even 200+ purification protection runes to get 2 of them after you got initiative gold and 4 high purples then feel free to do it. Your enemies, in the meanwhile, will spend those 3800+ coupons in other features, like myoboku cultivation/trial/banace assist links or treasure tools or other features that give them way more than those 50/100 more substats. Even a page 13 tile in myoboku feature, that costs 182 items, give more in game effect than the difference between a decent purple and a gold.

    So, if you get them for free fine, but if you have to spend even 1 single coupon on them no way.

i dont spend coupons for this feature its from the moon store.

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