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[ Lineup ] Naruto [Sage of Six Paths] Lineups


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On 2019-04-11 23:33:03Show All Posts
  • smaddeus On 2019-02-24 11:22:05
  • Too much mainstream metas, and that's what's bad about this game...there are certain ninjas that only are great combo with certain ninjas, and there are almost no other possibility to outperform or somehow be different. It's like...if you own this ninja and you want to use it, you need to use this and that, since nothing else will be better, and there you go, everyone using it and it gets boring as hell, encountering same ninjas just different power.

    Out of stubborness I will figure something out with Midnight Blade, surely will have to use Anbu for that, not sure yet which other skills would be better, but maybe immunity. With Chiriku and who knows which other ninja will work nicely. Would use Kakashi Susanoo if I had him, and weirdly enough he has the sword ability out of nowhere, I understand Kid Kakashi, but Susanoo never used a sword, in that case every Susanoo user basically should be sword user, since I see no other reason why Susanoo Kakashi is a sword type, but screw it, at least it works with Midnight Blade then.

6p naruto Rinne sasuke Akatsuki orochimaru midnight blade midnight blade to generate chakra orochimaru removes 2 buff/shields on chase so he can help remove buff/shields oro also can cc as well as 6p and rinne chaos chance so you have a myriad of debuffs and buff cancels on chases lightning main makes rinne and oro immune to debuffs as well.

another option is using rinne sasuke with 6p naruto and shisui

and as well as edo itachi with fire main 6p naruto rinne sasuke

midnight blade can be used instead of fire main for all these teams plus you c*ways use rinne sasuke founder madara and 6p naruto

This post was last edited by ÐreaÐ on 2019-04-11 23:34:36.
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