Normally I'd go for 6 paths Naruto, since I have enough coupons for him. But that's all I'd get from this event. I already got 2 ninjas from Fuku deals and Hashi frags in lucky wheel aren't frags I need, since I already have him too. And 10 frags of founder Madara as a rare pull on lucky wheel, please. Don't kid us this bad. If Lucky wheel still had susano Sasuke or Guy's tortoise frags, I would have gone for it, sine I haven't finished those yet. Now I'm thinking should I wait for next time we'll have him in event.
Having new ninja in a non-RNG event is good. Having 2 ninjas in Fuku deals for 20K is good too. If only you had given us good ninjas/frags with them, you would have gotten way more people to spend this week. Most spenders already got summer Hinata from fuku deals before. To top thing off, last time you had to get full fuku deals for her. Having her now for 5k only tells us she wasen't worth it last time making those, who got her then angry too.
This week had potential. Now I just don't know what to think...
At least we got 2 new skillbreaks, 3 free skillbooks and new ninja exams from this week, so we did get something.
Missions: thank you for finally increasing the redeeming limit of myoboku's gift/grasp from 20 to 100. Now we have grasp redeemable in many events, so maybe change it to training in lucky board or great plates? I think it would make many people happy.
Shinobi feast: thanks for putting Mei's skill book there... but since she needs to be 4 stars i doubt this book will be useful to many. About time you add more ninja collection scrolls where we can redeem those rare ninja frags.
Fishing mania and fateful choice are always nice, thanks for bringing them back.
Lucky star: the main attraction of this event is the chance to get the jackpot ninja, even if we are going for something in the redeemable board. While imo putting 10 frags of a ninja is much better than a whole 80 frags (enough with people spending 200 coupons to get a full ninja), 10 frags of Madara are sadly useless since the only place we can get his frags to complete him are RNG wheels. Replace him with something else; 10 frags of edo deidara, sharkisame, AGK, or any other redeemable ninja.
Fuku deals: love this new version. Now we can get a ninja without having to spend 20k.
All in all it is a good week. The amount of free items we can get from these events is
Edit: when are we going to be able to exchange basic/med/advance clothes in space time shop?
Are new ninja exams iniatives unbalanced, or is skill delay back? In many exams I have seen full enemy teams use their skills (No big deal, they just have higher inis.) AND their standards before by pos 1 can even use their skill (What happened?). On last batch we had exam 220, where last postion ninja outsped everyone. 1 ninja can be understood, since ninja exams seem to have different rules than rest of the game. But whole teams? That makes recommended power for these exams nothing but a big joke on players expense. Was this the way you ment to do these exams?
thanks for hearing my request on bringing shisui in fuku deals ( S A R C A S M ). I thought I will get him now cause i need few more frags for him, I was suggesting to put him as redeemable per frags and asked to dont put him on fuku deals but yeah you really hear me out by putting him in fuku deals :D :D :D xD I was like OH OKAY, just go and spend for the clothings this week to power up, forget about Shisui cause he will not be in redeemable again for the next months, maybe next year again :D :D
If next event cycle they put him as redeemable then it will be the end for my f2p life xD
20 frags of Shisui = the start of spending real money on the game :D and I hope that will not happen to me :D :)
Now that I have done all of the new ninja exams, I see I might have been a bit hard on my last post. We had gotten more than 4-ninja teams on occasional max ini ninja in last batch of ninja exams. Having a whole team might have been a big unexpected difficulty spike, it not unpassable. They were also in less numbers tham I had feared. Sorry about my rant in last post.
What was the most aggrivating thing about these sudden max ini ninjas was that they came suddenly without any warning. Last time we met 1 in last ninja exam, now we met them almost randomly. If we might have met them in even intertal, we could expedt to meet them. Like in tens of new exams.
But I still belive power recommendations in ninja exams are out of date. I doubt I'll ever see anybody do these exams at that low power. Many players had almost double of recommended powers and exams were still hard to them.
After last week's critisism about the Hana style outfit , the least that i expected was for the outfit to be in either luckystars or missions for around the typical 5k price , but again you failed to deliver .
And y'all need to hear this about the new NE tho . 260 was released in CN when the average f2p was 200-220k . What's the f2p average in our version ?120-130k?(i say average cause some * f2p are 160k and some other that dont play everyday are 100k) . Personaly (sitting at 140k) i said I GIVE UP for the very first time in ninja exams.Yeah i know , wait 43 days and you gucci , you are gonna say ..what about the dead and semi dead servers?The difficulty will never be lowered there
In other words...STOP giving us updates that we are (BP wise -me
F2P can finish exams in day 1 or 2.
F2P can finish exams in day 1 or 2.
simply not true,. my server has quite a few of the strongest guys in the region, a handful of which consistently place in top 10 in space time but these new exams only 4 people (all with 190+k power) have managed to beat them so far and even they had to swap mains and use very specific lineups to get past a few of them
If any genuine f2p has or does finish these exams any time soon I for one would like to ask their advise, 235 in particular is *ly difficult
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