why choza and mei skillbreaks( I mean I know why, because they were added in germany) but why? there a plenty more ninjas that are far easier to get and still didnot receive skillbreaks like guy. And * it can you add more skill experiments already?! As for events they are ok.
that's exactly why. they are literally giving out only p2w skillbreaktroughs lately.
Events are good , the updates are not only bad , but unwelcome . Just hope you make my day by having either Summer break or Hana style in missions or lucky stars . Or both cloths , whatevs
no skill experiments ... come on
Edo Han , Edo Utakata and the new Jinchuriki treasures firs ... why Naruto [Sage of the Six Paths]
how many seals you got
If 1500 rebate I can go 1000 and earn 50 frags, then buy the other 30.
But I just saw Fukurokumaru's deal and I'm pretty sure that he will be on unlucky star or mission dealer as redeem. So meh, just dreamed about and hoping till the last second
I recall a while back people spent months complaining week in and week out about ninjas being released too slowly, now you all complain about ninjas being released too fast, this is the result of all the whining earlier this year, I do agree this is too fast, but be careful what you wish for.
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