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[ PVP ] 3v3 Mission Boxes


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-06 12:47:12Show All PostsDescending Order
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So, last two days I noticed that none of my characters have gotten any of the edo jinchuriki / anbu frags from the 3v3 mission boxes. First 3 days i was getting at least 2 a day. Few other people on my server saying the same thing... Anyone else notice this or is it just us? 6 characters between us, so I find it hard to believe that it is just bad luck. That is possible though, so that is why I'm here asking you guys. Hope they didn't nerf it in secret.....

This post was last edited by Beavis on 2018-11-06 12:47:12.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-06 05:43:15Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2018-11-06 05:32:02
  • Remember, there is a huge roster of of ninjas in those boxes.

Exactly why I brought it here to get more input. Up to 7 characters on my server that have gotten zero between today and yesterday. Again it is a stretch to just chalk that up to bad luck....9 boxes X 7 characters = 63 boxes X 2 days = 126 boxes and not a single edo jinchuriki or anbu yamato/itachi draw. When again, the 3 days prior we were all getting at least 1 draw out of 9 boxes....

This post was last edited by Beavis on 2018-11-06 12:46:05.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-06 12:45:35Show All Posts

Why respond if you aren't going to read..? I will repeat myself for the THIRD TIME...last time tho....That is why I created this thread... To compare with others..... I'll bold and underline the first and second times as well.....Sorry if that was somehow unclear..?

@Danzo - "you can't suggest that without more people to compare to" (doesn't post anything to compare to) Trolololol

@RenjiAsuka - While your opinion is irrelevant, and frankly downright silly cuz you clearly don't know what I'm thinking, you did post something I can compare to. Thank you for that, I do appreciate it. That is all I'm looking for here

I suppose another way to look at it is that we were lucky the first 3 days...still seems unlikely as it was all of us, but unlikely does not mean impossible. I have seen some rumors about the servers having luck too, with wheels events and such. Part of why I'm here to compare with people from other servers.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-06 23:48:40Show All Posts
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-11-06 18:24:43
  • What may be there is a weekly cap to the amount of good fragments you can get. Considering the edo jinchuriki are superrares of still not implemented treasures that in average cost 12-16k coupons while they appear in events would not be that weird.

Interesting thought. Time will tell I suppose. I'm guessing you have had similar results?

Still interested to see what others are getting as days go on. Only a couple days left before the week mark. Will be interesting to see if your weekly cap theory is right. Seems like a solid possibility. As a rough estimate, I would say I got a combined total of around 20 edo/anbu frags from boxes so far.

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On 2018-11-07 23:37:22Show All Posts

My streak still continued yesterday. Though my alt did get edo roshi from 1 box. Tomorrow is the 8th day so its hard to even speculate on a cap till after that really.

Seems the consensus here is evening out so maybe it is just luck

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-11 09:17:19Show All Posts

So just to reiterate, the first 3 days on my server 7 characters obtained on average 18 anbu/edo frags (more if you count fuguki)....In the last 7 days most of the same 7 characters obtained 2 frags (even counting fuguki) two guys got 4, one got 6, and one got zero.... You are trying to tell me that is just luck? really?

The consistency on both ends of the spectrum is just too much to chalk it up to luck. It went from 4-8 per day to 4 per week and that is being nice, really its 2.85 average on my server (seeing as you get 2 at a time it would round down, not up).... That points to lowered rates, and quite a bit lower at that. Also want to point out that this started the first 3v3 after daylight savings was implemented. Just saying.

By this math 7 characters got almost as much in the same 3 day period as they will get in 2 months... As this event is 21 days; 4 per 7 days X 3 to equal 12 per 21 days....which would be 24 frags in 2 months. Though I'm sure some weeks will be luckier than 4 frags, some will also be zero.

I will continue to gather data, but what I've gathered isn't in favor of "luck" so far....

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-11 13:07:15Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2018-11-11 10:33:09
  • It's barely been 2 weeks maybe not even 2 weeks.

    I'd wait for a month at least before drawing any real conclusion. So I'd recommend saving a month's worth of boxes, open them 1 by 1 and write down what you got and how many, from there we can actually get some real hard data.

Yea it has been 10 days. If it was only my characters I could believe it was luck, but literally all the active people on my server noticed the same thing. As "someonerandom" said 3/9 boxes daily (1 in 3) was not an exaggeration for the first 3 days...down to like 1/27 boxes from the 4th day onward and that is IF you are lucky enough to get a draw every 3 days (I personally have not been even close to that lucky, 1/63 for me though I'm sure that will improve slightly...maybe)....Luck is chance, if everyone gets the same result with VERY slight variance, that is a standard, not chance. The slight variance of plus or minus X frags from the standard becomes the chance. I know it takes more than 3 days to create a standard, but it was very consistent for 3 days and then it changed drastically. If the rates did get lowered, then all we got was 3 days to set that prenerf standard, like it or not.

Thus far I haven't seen anything (other than pure speculation) that suggests otherwise by the way. Just look at the guy screen shotting each day at the bottom of the first page....That is almost exactly what I've seen rarity wise. Looking forward to his completed 21 day shot even though it is already visible in that pic. Obvious even...

As I said, I will continue to pay attention in hopes that I will see what i saw the first 3 days again...However I won't be holding my breath as the odds of that happening one way or another are astronomical. Which is why the consistency of the first 3 days for not one, but 7 characters ,on my server alone, stands out so much. Further testimony from players here aside.

I don't really care about what the exact rates are, or even that they were likely lowered. They are running a business here after all, so I can understand that. More or less just don't like that if there was a change, it was done under the pretense of something else as an unmentioned "fix" if you will....

Quicky Post

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