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Getting strange stones, without gaining exp.


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  • Registered: 2017-09-28
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On 2018-11-06 18:01:38Show All Posts
  • Exvius On 2018-11-06 17:50:29
  • Just because I answered his question doesn't mean I support level freezing. You guys just love to twist everything we say.


He LITERALLY stated he was level freezing and wanted to know how to get "x" item while continuing to LEVEL FREEZE in the game.

You then BOTH contradict yourselves (Exivus / Jib) by answering a question that was CLEARLY AND UNDOUBTEDLY associated with the intention of Level Freezing.

If he had just asked how to get "x item" without xp'ing and not even mention level freezing, I would say you have a case. But the fact that he clearly stated it, is the reason why you are getting the flack you deserve. No one is twisting anything.

So how come when people post similar questions or critical aspects of Oasis' work, you guys delete that junk like it has cancer without addressing a single thing.....and then say we "incite drama" and whatnot.

Your hypocrisy really knows no bounds.

  • Registered: 2017-09-28
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On 2018-11-06 21:39:20Show All Posts
  • Zarroc On 2018-11-06 18:27:39
  • Why is level freezing so bad? It's just a tactic employed by people to avoid getting crushed in pvp events like sage world and matsuri.

Its not that it is bad, its just that some players figured out Oasis' lazy coding and implementation. They realized that SWB and such is bracketed by level mostly, and not really by power.....which is what it should be. Same goes for Matsuri. Everyone knows the matching system in there stinks. I personally have been matched against whale after whale, back to back to back.

Level freezing essentially gives players an "edge" over others that don't realize these mechanics. Don't let these people fool you either, MOST level freezers (the serious ones) are spenders themselves. How else can you run into a lvl 85 and 170k power? Are an abundance of them f2p? Sure, there will always be a mix.

As for the "why is it bad?" aspect? Because it creates a rift in the "food chain" that this game depends on. Whales need people to wail on....and you rarely ever see whales attack each other. They always go after the "fodder" The level freezers essentially prevent themselves from being targets, and positioned themselves to artifically be the "top power" in the baby brackets to milk the rewards.

The true top powers could care less, the ones that are most annoyed by it are the ones constantly getting pounded on because their targets get reduced.

The easiest FIX for this if Oasis actually tried to put some effort into this, is to completely randomize it, through servers AND players. Heck, even at the very least, just randomly assign grouped servers every 1-2 weeks. It gets lame seeing the same cross server faces day after day. And if you are in a dead cluster like me (S3) there AREN'T multiple pools. It is literally the same * set over and over.

This post was last edited by Mad_King on 2018-11-06 21:40:25.
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