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  • Registered: 2018-08-17
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On 2018-11-02 19:51:21Show All Posts
  • ⛈ⱢĘṼĮ⛈ On 2018-11-02 19:34:07
  • in china server a week wnd 2 after that clothing came out it was for f2p but we in the american server ladies and gets which means you have to spend the american way which is * us little spender and f2p actually make this game if you think about plus if all us f2p left who will the p2w face eachother?

Most whales (p2w is way to loose of a term really...), stopped carrying about pretty much anything except for Space time and GNW.

I know, the f2p tend to think, we all get super-hyped when we can * you away in sage world. We don't. There are no secret handshakes. Not even best-beatwodn compilations with Victoria Secret models.

Furthermore...if you are f2p, you should never complain about bad recharge events. You should thank OASIS for them, hence it lowers the gain for the whales per USD spent. Even if the f2p dream came true and nothing was behind a paywall - most whales would not care. They still would have more resources

Temporary paywalls put aside - in the market in which Naruto Online operates, there are much worse competitiors, with real paywalls, where top tier Heroes are not aquireable, without the recharge currency EVER.

Do I like this Platinum recharge? Not at all. So i will just recharge another week.

Now excuse me please. I gotta propose the idea of the VSM-Parties to Oasis.

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On 2018-11-02 20:28:45Show All Posts
  • ⛈ⱢĘṼĮ⛈ On 2018-11-02 20:10:55
  • knowing how you stated my question and answer like you solved it clealry means you a heavy spender and dont know what your talking about you clearly disrepected us f2p by stating p2w will always have superoir advantage no matter what the cost is and discourage f2p to even to stay in the game by making that comment why are you even in this side of the forums to flex you have more money ? well guess what no one cares smh

Have you repeated this delusional non-sense so many times, that you actually believe it? 90% of the flames in this forum, as well as ingame, come from f2p on to casher (of all levels) and even their fellow f2p (once they have played long enough to aquire Itachi Susano'o for Arena).

And yes, casher will always have the advantage. Even if every item and ninja is available for coupons only, as long as you can recharge for more currency, you can get more. That is basic math.

I have no issues with F2P-Players. But those, who think they should get some special privledge, just so they will stay and leech off the casher are way to hilarious.

Saddly, they drag the F2P who actually enjoy the game and just complain towards oasis - but not cashers - in the crossfire.

Oh and...if you say nobody cares at the end of your reply....

This post was last edited by Pupsiiiii on 2018-11-02 20:29:14.
  • Registered: 2018-08-17
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On 2018-11-07 15:05:31Show All Posts
  • GO GO POKEMON On 2018-11-07 10:06:13
  • Hey just wanted to say that i also feel the distance between f2p and p2w players i am a f2p in 1029 server and i am currently at 50k power while there are some players from my server that donate and are at 70k still its not that bad, but there is this guy from the 1033 server thats supposed to come out after my server but he is at 120k power and he is the second strongest from all the servers in witch we do x-GNW and Space Time and i just feel like no matter what i do i will never be able to win a X-GNW or never get to the 1st spot in Space Time. I know my power is low but i am good at making counter teams and usually it helps me defeat some of the donators in my server. But the gap between me and that guy "Kaido" is so big at last X-GNW he defeated 3 of our waves and he didnt lose a ninja nor much of hp while his teammates died on our first wave. So i just feel like there are so many events that are for p2w and so little for f2p the one and only event that everyone gets the same thing and a p2w can't get more than a f2p is Activity Lucky bags and thats really sad because p2w have a lot more events in witch they can get both power and ninjas just for having the finances to donate in the game. I'm not saying i don't have the money but i'm a colleague student and there are better things i can spend my money for than just to try to spend in the game. And my biggest reason not to donate in it is that there will be ALWAYS someone that will out donate me. So i just dont see a future of the game because at a point if the f2p quit it will be only p2w and when u cant outpay the guy u are fighting u will just quit as well. Thats what happens to the servers that are dead left with almost no players that are being forgotten. So why not instead of releasing 2-3 new servers every week u don't first try to combine the servers that are already left with 10-50 players. And i have another question is it ok to leave a server unmerged when there are only 2 groups in it. This just isnt fun its always like this the group with more p2w will win and go to X-GNW while the rest of them will suffer defeat every week they have a fight. It would be better if u could lower the players that can be in a low level group that way there can be more multiple group and players will donate everyday just to get those extra spots for members unlocked and hey its more fun to have 5-6 groups fighting 3 rounds to see who will go to X-GNW than just doing one and the same every week.
    If a moderator reads this i am thankful for the time u spend to read it and if u can answer my questions it will be great.

Mhhhh. I don't recall a single instance, where all of my Team Mates were wiped in round 1 and I was last man standing.

That being said.... do you believe it is fair that you should be ahead, just because you are on older server in the X-Server? And don't worry to much about me. There is a guy on 1070, not even has gotten all skills avilable yet is at 105k already.

Oh an Thanks for the flattery.

  • Registered: 2018-08-17
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On 2018-11-07 15:49:30Show All Posts

You forgot to copy the destructive feedback about the price of 150€ in the german forums. :)

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