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On 2018-11-03 05:27:55Show All Posts
  • HGVSDJBREVHBJEF On 2018-11-03 05:08:24

    and anyone else who wants to hate on the mods for doing their jobs i just hope you realise you're a crappy human being; the guys out here tryna dissapate the hate and all you f*cks can do is continue to bash onto him gz i feel so salty typing this if you hate this recharge rebate so much then don't participate in it simple (it's not like yall would've participated in it in the first place)

    but i digress learn to grow up and aknowledge the responses you've been giving with he has the right to delete comments he has the right to respond the way he does; deal with it and stop trying to make others hate on him

I'm sorry, who's hating here?

I don't mind this being behind a paywall tbh, mainly because Idontcare will never ever get them anyways.

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On 2018-11-03 05:31:55Show All Posts
  • Pupsiiiii On 2018-11-02 20:28:45
  • Have you repeated this delusional non-sense so many times, that you actually believe it? 90% of the flames in this forum, as well as ingame, come from f2p on to casher (of all levels) and even their fellow f2p (once they have played long enough to aquire Itachi Susano'o for Arena).

    And yes, casher will always have the advantage. Even if every item and ninja is available for coupons only, as long as you can recharge for more currency, you can get more. That is basic math.

    I have no issues with F2P-Players. But those, who think they should get some special privledge, just so they will stay and leech off the casher are way to hilarious.

    Saddly, they drag the F2P who actually enjoy the game and just complain towards oasis - but not cashers - in the crossfire.

    Oh and...if you say nobody cares at the end of your reply....

Alright buddy. Why do people always bring up the issue of F2P vs P2W? We're all players here.

But just because the P2W keep the game running doesn't mean they can be d0uchey to the F2Ps for wanting the game to be more generous and calling it "entitlement". I think it's more a concern of fairness regarding the rebates.

This is just a neutral person's perspective though.

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On 2018-11-03 06:42:54Show All Posts
  • icebuken On 2018-11-03 06:37:47
  • I don't understand why people always bring up P2W and F2P. F2P should be thankful for P2W because they are the ones that keep the servers up and running because they pay. Without them, OASIS will not have income and won't be able to support the cost for server maintenance which will lead to the game shutting down. I'm just enjoying the game while I still can. Maybe the other salty F2Ps should do the same, just enjoy the game and don't expect to beat a paying player.

    4nalogy: If you drive a car with stock engine, then don't expect to beat someone driving a car with custom engine and with nitro.

    What players should know is that mods can only relay info from higher management. They have no say in the matter. Everything boils down to higher management. If you don't like what you see, then don't buy it, don't participate in the event.

    4nalogy: If you don't like the food in the menu of the restaurant, do you go to the waiter and complain about it? No you don't. You ask the waiter to call the manager. Also, if you don't like what's in the menu, then don't buy it.

    Freeloaders don't have the right to complain. Beggars can't be choosers.

Because the F2Ps come along and say "this isn't fair, this only benefits the P2Ws and thus alienates 60-80% of the playerbase" and the P2Ws say "shut up and stop being entitled, P2Ws keep the game alive".

And then nobody can agree, and the playerbase is disunified which means it's easier for the team to calm down all the hubbub.

This post was last edited by Do I Care? 2 on 2018-11-03 06:43:19.
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On 2018-11-03 06:55:39Show All Posts
  • icebuken On 2018-11-03 06:48:15
  • The world has never been fair. It never will. So either they accept that fact and svck it up or just keep on complaining without giving possible solution that is beneficial to everyone. By everyone, I mean it includes OASIS and not just the players because this is a business. Business needs money. Money is the reason why they invested in this game. Put yourselves in OASIS shoes for once or maybe imagine that you have a business yourself, a store. You have a new item to introduce, would you sell it cheap when it's just newly released? Of course not. You will do everything to make as much money from it. Same thing that OASIS is doing here because there are people willing to purchase digital stuff.

The world has never been fair and it never will. But that doesn't mean people will stop trying to make it more fair, does it? What's wrong with trying to make the world a bit of a better place even if it'll never be perfect? If Oasis always goes to the route that benefits themselves the most, it's only natural for people to complain.

Of course a business needs money. But we have... like, what, 1000 servers here? Each server has, let's say, 10-20 big whale spenders who dump money into the game every week. That's 10-20,000 people who spend thousands of dollars on this game – it's already a * ton of money. From the perspective of someone on the bottom, who just plain can't see it from Oasis's perspective because we don't know how much it costs to maintain these things and buy the content from Tencent (and we'll probably never know, cause what kind of company releases that info?), people have to wonder where all that money is going and why it isn't enough for them.

Of course, I could be very wrong about this. This is just stup1d ol' Doicare trying to explore the mind of a complainer.

This post was last edited by Do I Care? 2 on 2018-11-03 07:12:32.
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On 2018-11-03 11:33:37Show All Posts
  • icebuken On 2018-11-03 10:27:43
  • So what if this is a bad week? Then OASIS will see it from their data and would try to get back their loses next time. In the end, OASIS will still earn no matter how small, it's still an earning because there will still be people who will spend. F2Ps who saved up coupons will still wait for good events and P2W will spend when they see a good deal while others won't give a care in the world and will still spend this week.

If they will still earn no matter how small, then in theory they *should* be able to be more generous.

This doesn't mean this will happen all the time obviously. But it should lead to more flexibility for change through F2P demands. Saying the P2Ws are the only player that matter is just plain bizarre, each P2W is built on a foundation of F2P.

Also, genuine question - do you guys remember a time when Oasis improved on themselves? I can't. I'm wondering if I missed something.

This post was last edited by Do I Care? 2 on 2018-11-03 11:34:15.
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On 2018-11-04 02:54:28Show All Posts
  • HGVSDJBREVHBJEF On 2018-11-03 20:10:01
  • everyone here was mocking the guy 'rot in hell' taking things out of context and unleashing crappy anger upon him 'make a topic so we can roast the mods' i dont like seeing that, the fact hes patiently answering everything whilst yall continue to repeat your points p*sses me off Imean how can you say he 'lacks transparency ' when all he does is reply with logical statements which no one wants to accept edit: nice to see the hate has died down but if u come at my boy daiske ill defend him , its my comment , my choice yall can p*ss off if you dont like me

Alrighty boyo. I get what you're saying. Daiske may be a lot of things, but he doesn't exactly deserve all of the unrestrained hate. If people wanna complain they might as well do it logically.

Now I might be neutral on the Hana issue, but transparency is a no no. I'm going to have to dispute you on that one, boyo.

First of all. What's made you defend Daiske so much. I'm curious to see what he's done that has won him your favor. What kind of godly thing did he do for you to worship him and make him "yo boi", eh?

Secondly, the statement of "how can you say he lacks transparency when all he does is reply with logical statements that nobody wants to accept" really fires me up. Let's look at some of his statements.

There was, nor is, any need to fix this event. There is no error or problem that would require our attention or emergency maintenance. It was planned to release this clothing in recharge event.

While we understand it may be a bit disappointing to some players, it does not mean it is completely unavailable to free to play players. For its release week, this specific clothing is limited only to recharge (paying players) event but it doesn't mean it cannot appear in redeemable event in the future. We will take your feedback of this change into consideration for future releases.

What I, as a player, value in transparency is reasoning. I don't mind decisions that don't benefit me or make me mad – as long as they have a logical reasoning that I can understand and get behind.

There's just an explanation here. No "why". This isn't transparency. If there was transparency, people would've been calmed down.

As I stated before, just because it is in recharge event does not mean it can't appear in other events as redeemable item in the future.

Same here. No reason why. No concrete details, you just kind of have to "hope". That doesn't distill player fears at all.

In previous Sakura event, food sacks were supposed to cost 20 coupons/ingots from the begging. Due to error in system, system did not update the new price. For now, its price (20 ingots/coupons) should stay same.

This is at least a decent reason "why", but it does not address the problem. In the previous Sakura events, it cost 10. But they decided not to change their plans and allocate for this error in the system for some reason. Why can't they just change their plans? I don't know, because Daiske didn't explain it. That's not transparency.

Not to mention, here's another thing Daiske told me a while back regarding schedule releases.

I do not play FGO but I really doubt they release their whole schedule with all details. They might announce that some new changes, features or characters are coming in next few weeks. We sadly can't do that.

Again, no reason why not. Releasing details in advance actually helps a lot in hyping stuff up, but I guess... they can't do that for some reason?

Now I get that Oasis is inclined to keep a lot of its info to itself. They won't give out everything, no poo poo, dippoo poo. But the least they can do is share just a few more details with us so we feel like they actually care. I'm going to quote Dosu and the Dosu case again here as an example to show the kind of "transparency" we have. Somebody who wasn't Dosu suggested to add Dosu as playable, and every 9 or so months Dosu starts feeling like the suggestion is being ignored and posts some big thread about why Dosu should be added into the game as a reminder to the team. His last paper was about transparency, and how they should at least give updates for their CS suggestions to show that they're actually getting somewhere. And Tobei (I think?) provided a great and detailed answer, and said "yeah we have so many requests that it'd be impossible for us to check up on each and every one of them". After a year and a half of poor transparency, Dosu finally got what I would call genuine transparency. There's an understandable reason behind it, and that's fine. Since then it's gotten a little better, as mods have started openly acknowledging Dosu's other posts. But it isn't optimal. More explanations like Tobei's would be better.

Peace out, yo.


This post was last edited by Do I Care? 2 on 2018-11-04 02:55:19.
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On 2018-11-04 09:09:28Show All Posts
Note: Sorry,the post does not exist or has been deleted

Alright boyo.

I tried to be civil and nice.

But I think we're being just a little bit too toxic here. Besides, we're divulging from the point of this thread.

Why don't we take it to the PMs instead? I'll send you my response as a PM. Then we won't be spreading toxicity all over the place like we are right now, eh boyo?

Peace out.


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On 2018-11-05 02:11:24Show All Posts
  • S440-Genesis On 2018-11-04 18:43:40
  • i thought daiske said no deleting of comments

The lad he deleted got rather... salty to say the least.

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On 2018-11-05 09:09:29Show All Posts
  • HGVSDJBREVHBJEF On 2018-11-05 08:54:56
  • Yea we need a bin icon because editing comments are a pain

First of all, the entire point of me sending you that PM was so we wouldn't spread our toxicity all over this thread. "But I'm not toxic, just drunk" you say. Yeah, yeah, Dumbledore had a headache and that's why he swore. It's still toxicity.

Second of all, let me re-iterate this to you. The reason I type so much is so I can be clear and – hey, guess what? – TRANSPARENT with you. I'm trying to help you understand what I'm saying. But I guess that didn't work because you completely misunderstood what I was saying. If you can, if this buggy PM system works for you, re-read what I said and see if you can understand what I'm trying to say, or if I need to write another "20 page essay" on what I mean.

It's a complex issue. It won't be solved by just one sentence.

Thirdly, I thought I outlined that though I feel like Daiske DOES deserve some hate, the amount of hate he gets in this forum can occasionally be overboard. Which I guess you didn't read. Oh well.

Peace out,


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