in china server a week wnd 2 after that clothing came out it was for f2p but we in the american server ladies and gets which means you have to spend the american way which is * us little spender and f2p actually make this game if you think about plus if all us f2p left who will the p2w face eachother?
No, technically it COSTS $455. For a 7-9k item......FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY FIVE DOLLARS. An 8k item (average) bonus for that much? Don't make me laugh man. I do hope no one recharges for this outfit, just to show them how ridiculous it is. They need to learn that stuff like this is NOT ok!
lmao you funny and facts
Most whales (p2w is way to loose of a term really...), stopped carrying about pretty much anything except for Space time and GNW.
I know, the f2p tend to think, we all get super-hyped when we can * you away in sage world. We don't. There are no secret handshakes. Not even best-beatwodn compilations with Victoria Secret models.
Furthermore...if you are f2p, you should never complain about bad recharge events. You should thank OASIS for them, hence it lowers the gain for the whales per USD spent. Even if the f2p dream came true and nothing was behind a paywall - most whales would not care. They still would have more resources
Temporary paywalls put aside - in the market in which Naruto Online operates, there are much worse competitiors, with real paywalls, where top tier Heroes are not aquireable, without the recharge currency EVER.
Do I like this Platinum recharge? Not at all. So i will just recharge another week.
Now excuse me please. I gotta propose the idea of the VSM-Parties to Oasis.
knowing how you stated my question and answer like you solved it clealry means you a heavy spender and dont know what your talking about you clearly disrepected us f2p by stating p2w will always have superoir advantage no matter what the cost is and discourage f2p to even to stay in the game by making that comment why are you even in this side of the forums to flex you have more money ? well guess what no one cares smh
Have you repeated this delusional non-sense so many times, that you actually believe it? 90% of the flames in this forum, as well as ingame, come from f2p on to casher (of all levels) and even their fellow f2p (once they have played long enough to aquire Itachi Susano'o for Arena).
And yes, casher will always have the advantage. Even if every item and ninja is available for coupons only, as long as you can recharge for more currency, you can get more. That is basic math.
I have no issues with F2P-Players. But those, who think they should get some special privledge, just so they will stay and leech off the casher are way to hilarious.
Saddly, they drag the F2P who actually enjoy the game and just complain towards oasis - but not cashers - in the crossfire.
Oh and...if you say nobody cares at the end of your reply....
ill agree with you 90 percent who come on the forums are f2p but the forums was meant for p2w secrelty wanna know why? becuase oasis only want to hear the thoughts of p2w becuase thats how they make money and buy fancy sports cars.But anyways f2p notice they arent getting nothing really but just being cannon fodder to p2w so that only them they could have a wonderful time but f2p seeing that theres nothing to do but get there asses rocked by p2w god f2p leaves then p2w comes back and be like this game boring nothing to do. so they leave oasis trys to fix the problem but buy rasing prices on items thats lookc cool and worthy of getting is only for p2w but wait where are the p2w? they left becuaee f2p left so the soul surviors who stuck on the cliff but barely hanging are going to meet that faith and leave the game and maybe oasis will maybe consider that f2p is important as p2w otherwise we leave and have us get along with out life game was good over 2ill played after a month it camed out now its safe to say under 200k in the american region are still being fooled and you say im worng? lmao
Nah nah
Dev team don't decide the event
Dev team make the event but it's oasis to decide what reward,price, redeemable
So for my meme
oh my so people actually showing there true colors on dicord ight i see i just dont want that oh be nice B.S. follow the rules on forum stuff i hope this games get srewed so i could have a nice laugh
You are such troll, taking comment out of context and posting it here. I see how it is now. And you are wondering why I never communicate outside of game stuff.
As for who decides what.This is simply your opinion or guessing game.
Dasike my freind shame on you good sir just shame just thought u were different then other moderators Rebel my pople
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