Thirty minutes of amateur video editing later...
It's not much, but it'll do for now.
I don't like Zaku in all honesty – he comes off as just plain dumb too much of the time cause of how reckless he is – but he and Dosu are so intertwined that it's hard to talk about one without the other. Plus, he makes a good comparison point when I want to show off Dosu. So it's still pretty hype to get him.
Now where are his teammates, Oasis?
Perhaps one day we can clalm fragments for Dosu or Kin one day.
One day....
Also, happy spookyween.
laughs in not needing to dress up because his default outfit looks like a Halloween costume anyways
Thank you all for the support~!
and Akuma, if I'm so predictable then what's my next Case going to be on and when will it be released eh?
the truth, dosu, is that we all paid tencent to release Dosu as late as possible because we don't want you quit :-)
Wow. xD
Hm... I'm really being taken quite lightly here.
Here comes anbu kakashi. But wait isnt he free? Why that pricetag?
Here comes anbu yamato..... (see price) again with the price?
Here comes dosu........ 5k ingots (no coupon redeemable)
Its oasis guys. Its oasis.
Rest in pieces, the 30k coupons Dosu supposedly has saved up for Dosu.
Here comes anbu kakashi. But wait isnt he free? Why that pricetag?
Here comes anbu yamato..... (see price) again with the price?
Here comes dosu........ 5k ingots (no coupon redeemable)
Its oasis guys. Its oasis.
Dosu, Platinum Recharge 3/3... *COUGHHHH*
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